- 以脈診研究中醫藥之歸經原理
- 以脈診研究中醫藥之歸經原理
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- 以脈診研究中醫藥之歸經原理
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- 炙甘草湯加減治癒二尖瓣脫垂之案例
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題 名 | 以脈診研究中醫藥之歸經原理=A Study of the Principle of Meridian in Chinese Medicine by Pulse Feeling Method |
作 者 | 王唯工; 王林玉英; | 書刊名 | 中醫藥年報 |
卷 期 | 17:1 1999.05[民88.05] |
頁 次 | 頁295-332 |
分類號 | 413.2441 |
關鍵詞 | 共振理論; 脈診分析; 甘草; 炙甘草; 蒼朮; 白朮; 白扁豆; 半夏; 草豆蔻; 陳皮; 黨參; 黃精; Pulse analysis; Resonance theory; Radix glycyrrhizae; Radix glycyrrhizae fried with honey; Rhizoma atractylodis; Rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae; Semen lablab; Tuber pinelliae; Fructus amomi globosi; Pericarpium aurantii; Radix codonopsitis; Rhizoma polygonati; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本計畫為五年連續性計畫的第二年,繼續以血液波共振理論發展出之脈診分析方 法對包括甘草、炙甘草、蒼朮、自朮、自扁豆、,。半夏、草豆蔻、陳皮、黨參、黃精等十 咪補脾藥進行研究。在動物實驗中,以水溶液粗萃物注入老鼠腹部後,量測老鼠尾頻譜的改 變, 我們發現十味藥物均增加對腎、脾 (C2、C3) 血,供給。 除炙甘草外均一致減少心火 (CO),炙甘草、黨參、黃精、自朮、半夏有顯著減少肝脈 (CD) 的振幅。在高頻部分 (C4、 C5、 C6、C7), 對健康老鼠可增加膽脈 (C6) 的振幅,對肺脈 (C4)、胃脈 (C5) 無顯著的 影響; 對大部分老鼠則隨時間漸呈下降走勢,但 C6 仍為相對峰值。甘草及炙甘草在相同劑 量下對脈波頻譜的影響有明顯的差異。蒼朮及自朮在頻譜上除自求對降肝脈較蒼朮明顯,其 他並無顯著的不同。半夏在藥效發揮過程中以入腎脈為重。十味藥脈波頻譜的相位部分均一 致使第二諧波相位領先,第三、四諧波相位落後。人體口服的實驗中,藥物對橈動脈之脈波 頻譜的影響,受受試者的身體狀況與當日作息影響很大, 但大致上均對 C3( 脾 )、C6( 膽 )、 C9( 三焦 ) 有增加的趨勢。 |
英文摘要 | In the second year of the five-year project, we still used the pulse analysis method which is based on the resonance theory of blood pressure waves to study ten spleen meridian related herbs: Radix Glycyrrhizae, Radix Glycyrrhizae fried with honey, Rhizoma Atractylodis, Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae, Semen Lablab, Tuber Pinelliae, Fructus Amomi Globosi, Pericarpium Aurantii, Radix Codonopsitis, Rhizoma Polygonati. In the animal study, rats were injected intraperitoneally with hot water herbal extracts and then the spectrum variance of blood pressure was measured at caudate artery. The results showed that all these ten herbs increased the blood supply to the kidney meridian (C2) and the spleen meridian (C3). Except for Radix Glycyrrhizae fried with honey, all other herbs decreased the heart load (CO). Radix Glycyrrhizae fried with honey, Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae, Radix Codonopsitis, Rhizoma Polygonati and Tuber Pinelliae decreased the blood supply to liver meridian (Cl). For higher frequencies of the spectrum (C4, C5, C6, C7), all herbs showed no significant effects on C4 (lung meridian) and C5 (stomach meridian), but increased blood supply to C6 (gallbladder meridian) in more healthy rats. Generally, all herbs decreased C4, C5 and C6 gradually, while C6 was a peak value with respect to C5 and C7 throughout all the measurements. The spectrum variance of Radix Glycyrrhizae and Radix Glycyrrhizae fried with honey was clearly different at the same dosage. Rhizoma Atractylodis and Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae had almost same effects, except Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae had a stronger effect on decreasing the blood supply to the liver meridian (Cl). Tuber Pinelliae increased the blood supply to kidney meridian initially, then to the spleen meridian gradually in many cases. In the phase part of spectrum, for all herbs the phase of second harmonic led, while the third and fourth lagged. In a 2-day human trial, we found the different workloads among volunteer subjects would affect the results seriously. To eliminate these pseudo effects, we used the first day measurement as control data and subtracted it from the second day data to get the real effect. The results showed that all of the herbs increased blood supply to the spleen meridian (C3), the gallbladder meridian (C6) and the Xang-jiao meridian (C9), although all the effects are not statistically significant. |