題 名 | 高一學生數學合作解題與後設認知行為之研究=A Study of First Grade Senior High School Students on Mathematical Cooperative Problem Solving and Metacognition Behavior |
作 者 | 葉明達; | 書刊名 | 中學教育學報 |
卷 期 | 6 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁159-204 |
分類號 | 523.7431 |
關鍵詞 | 合作學習; 後設認知; 數學解題; Cooperative learning; Metacognition; Mathematical problem solving; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要目的在探討高一學生合作解題時之解題歷程與後設認知行為。研究對象為四位高雄地區某高中的一年級學生,依其意願分為兩個同質性小組。研究採個案處理的方式,以放聲思考、晤談及問卷調查,對研究對象之解題原案進行分析。研究發展解題路徑的重合與分離會影響兩人之間的互動,分離時間越長,要將路徑重新會合便越不容易。由於學生之間的能力差距不大,除非有一方能很快掌握解題關鍵,指出明確的解題路徑,否則兩人共同探索一旦遭遇障礙,各自探索的情形便會出現。合作解題情境中,夥伴間相互的質疑、澄清及解釋,產生建設性互動,將個人思考歷程外顯,推理過程結構化,因此合作情境中的社會互動為發展後設認知能力之良好媒介。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study is mainly on the investigation of senior high school first grade students' problem solving and metacognition behavior during their cooperative problem-solving process. The subject of the study contains four senior high school first grade students in Kaohsiung, and we divided these four students into two similar groups. Every individual case was taken into study which included thinking aloud, interview, and questionnaire, then we analyze the problem-solving process. The finding shows that the overlapped part of the route and the separated route of problem solving will influence both students' interaction. More separated part will make problem solving become hard to be combined again. Due to the mild differences between both students, whenever the students meet the barrier, it makes the individual think of his own way unless one of the two students can catch the key of problem solving and points out the clear route of problem-solving. In the process of cooperative problem solving, partners' mutual suspecting, clarification, and explanation all make positive interaction. Consequently every individual will show his thinking process and construct the logic process. In that way, the society interaction in cooperative context becomes the good media for shaping metacognition ability. |