題 名 | 從歐盟移民政策看區域經濟整合的政治意涵=The Political Implication of Regional Economic Integration--A Case Study on the Harmonization of Migration Policies in the EU |
作 者 | 盧倩儀; | 書刊名 | 美歐季刊 |
卷 期 | 13:1=133 民88.春 |
頁 次 | 頁1-29 |
分類號 | 577.61 |
關鍵詞 | 歐洲整合; 移民政策; 歐洲聯盟; 政府間主義; 制度主義; European integration; Migration policy; European Union; Intergovernmentalism; Institutionalism; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 當今區域整合研究中主流的看法仍然堅持國家主權及國家利益對會員國行為的 解釋力。根據此所謂「國家中心說」的論點,歐盟就如同其他的國際組織,本身並不具任何 自主權,而只是提供一個能夠促進會員國彼此互動的論壇( Forum )而已。 本文以移民政 策作為一個案,來探討「民族國家」與「歐洲整合」或「超國家組織」在歐盟決策過程中的 相對重要性;剖析民族國家的主權究竟有無因為歐洲整合而減弱;以及歐盟本身在決策過程 中究竟有否獲得任何程度的主導權。論文分析歐盟移民政策協調整個發展的過程,指出主流 的「國家中心說」解釋力的不足,並利用制度主義的主張來填補此一理論的空缺。 |
英文摘要 | The mainstream theories on the European integration follow the realist tradition and emphasize the importance of national sovereignty and national interests in explaining international cooperation. According to these statecentric theories, the European Union, just like any other international organizations, is only an international forum that does nothing more than facilitating exchanges among sovereign states. This article use the harmonization of migration policies in the European Union to analyze the relative importance of nation states, the momentum of European integration, and supranational organizations in policy formation in the EU. It finds that state-centric theories have failed to explain the intensity of cooperation among the Member States with regard to the issue of migration. In contrast, institutionalism that stresses unintended consequences and spillover effects provides valid explanation for the form of cooperation among the EU Member States in the area of migration. |