題 名 | 國民中學教師工作倦怠與學校組織氣氛關係之探討=A Study on Relationship between Teacher Burnout and School Organizational Climate in Junior High Schools |
作 者 | 何信助; | 書刊名 | 科技學刊 |
卷 期 | 8:1 1999.01[民88.01] |
頁 次 | 頁83-96 |
分類號 | 524.5 |
關鍵詞 | 國民中學; 教師工作倦怠; 學校組織氣氛; Junior high school; Teacher burnout; Organizational climate; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討國中教師的工作倦怠與學校組織氣氛之關係,俾據以研判影響教 師工作倦怠的可能因素,藉供教師與學校雙方瞭解工作倦怠,消除倦怠,進而提升工作效能 的參考。本研究採用的研究方法涵蓋了文獻探討的方法和問卷調查法。首先,本研究以文獻 探討的方法探討以往有關教師工作倦怠與學校組織氣氛之研究發現。至於問卷調查進行的方 式,係由研究者編製「教師專業工作感受問卷」一種,作為調查的工具。然後抽選臺灣地區 的國民中學共 77 校,教師 900 人為調查對象,寄發問卷。 問卷調查共實得有效問卷 708 份, 佔發出問卷的 78.66 %。 調查資料統計分析的方法包括:(一)因素分析; (二) Cronbach Alpha 信度係數;(三)單因子多變項變異數分析; (四)單因子單變項變異數 分析;(五) Scheffe 法多重比較; (六)典型相關分析;(七)多元逐步迴歸分析等。 以上統計分析皆以 SPSS 電子計算機套裝軟體程式處理。本研究的主要發現如下:一、國中 教師的工作倦怠與任教學校組織氣氛的開放程度有關。任教學校的組織氣氛開放程度愈高, 教師工作倦怠愈小;任教學校的組織氣氛開放程度愈低,教師工作倦怠愈大。二、離心、阻 礙、工作精神、親密、冷漠無情、強調績效、以身作則、體諒等八個學校組織氣氛構面,對 國中教師工作倦怠具「中度」的聯合預測力。其中最能預測情緒耗竭的是「阻礙」構面,亦 即教師若有過多的工作負荷,容易感受情緒耗竭的工作倦怠;最能預測無人情味的是「離心 」構面,亦即教師若彼此之間關係不佳、且與學校保持距離而離心離德,則最容易感受缺乏 人情味的工作倦怠;最能預測個人成就感的是「工作精神」構面,亦即教師個人的社會需求 若能獲得滿足、在工作上能有所成就、整體的士氣和精神良好,則其個人成就感較高,反之 ,則容易感受缺乏個人成就感的工作倦怠。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between teacher burnout and school organizational climate in junior high schools in Taiwan. Methodology adopted in this study included document analysis and questionnaire survey. Document analysis was used to examine the findings derived from previous studies. Survey study was engaged by means of a questionnaire, which consisted items of Maslach Burnout Inventory, and Organizational Climate Description Questionnaire. The subjects involved in the survey were 900 junior high school teacher selected from 77 junior high schools in Taiwan. Data analysis was conducted by the utilization of factor analysis, one-way analysis of variance ( ANOVA ), multivariate analysis of variance ( MANOVA ) , canonical correlation analysis, and stepwise multiple regression. The conclusions derived from the findings of the study were as follows: 1.Teachers teach in schools perceived as high level of "open" organizational climate tend to report less burnout, while those teach in schools perceived as low level of "open" organizational climate tend to claim greater burnout. 2.The eight dimensions of organizational climate can collaboratively predice, with moderate predicting power, teacher burnout. The most influential dimensions of organizational climate in predicting dimensions of teacher burnout are, respectively, "hindrance" in predicting "emotional exhaustion", "disengagement" in predicting depersonalization, and "espirit" in predicting personal accomplishment. |