題 名 | 社區居民為地方公共財捐獻的意願:以新設國民中學為例=Community Residents' Willingness to Pay for a Local Public Goods: A Case Study of a Newly-Planned Junior High School |
作 者 | 林享博; 陳鵬升; | 書刊名 | 規劃學報 |
卷 期 | 25 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁51-70 |
分類號 | 566.4 |
關鍵詞 | 國民中學; 地方性公共財; 條件評價法; 捐獻意願; Logit模型; Junior high school; Local public goods; Contingent valuation method; Willingness to pay; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 新規劃一所國民中學校地,可為社區居民帶來上學便利、休閒遊憩、及居住寧適 等三種價值。由於國中為一種地方性公共財,若要社區居民對於此種財貨付費,常會遭遇到 搭便車問題,即居民不願意誠實透露此種財貨所帶來的價值。本研究利用條件評價法,設計 相關的假設情境,以問卷來探討社區居民對這些價值的捐獻意願。本利用logit二項選擇模 型,並經過統計檢定,可以找出影響願意捐獻的相關變數。統計檢定結果顯示,在以上三種 價值中,影響居民捐獻意願一直出現的變數為家戶平均月所得,且均為正的影響,顯示家庭 的濟負擔能力愈高,愈有捐獻的意願。此外,居民亦會考慮自身的條件來決定是否捐獻。 以上學便利價值而言,家戶中目前正就讀國中的人數愈多或受訪者年齡愈高,其捐獻的意願 就愈低,因為其子女用到新設立國民中學的機率相對降低。願讓其子女就讀該所國中者,其 捐獻的意願就愈高。 由於家戶屬性中,只有經濟負擔能力一個變數有助於捐獻,但其它變數則是與自身利益的考 量有關。因此,對於公共財的捐獻意願,在個人決策中同時有利與自利的考量在內。 |
英文摘要 | A newly-planned junior high school can bring the following three benefits for community residents: convenience to school, recreation and rest, amenity for living. The school is a local public goods. If residents are asked to pay for it, the free-rider problem occurs. Residents will not reveal the true value of the school for them. The study adopts the contingent valuation method to devise related scenarios in a survey in which reidents are asked to tell their willingness to pay (WTP) for each of the three benefits. Using binary legit regression model, the explanatory variables which influence their WTP can be identified. The statistical test shows that monthly household income consistently has positive WTP for all of the three benefits. Hence, ability to pay of a household decides its WTP. In addition to that, a household will consider its own situation to decide wheter to pay for the benefits. For example, for the benefit of convenience to school, the higher the number of a household's children currently enrolling in a junior high school or the age of the household head, the less a household's WTP for the benefit. That is because its chance to use the school becomes much little. A household willing to send its children to this school shows higher WTP for the benefit. Among the variables of household characteristics, only the variable of household monthly income, hence it's economic ability, is conducive to donation. Other variables are related to consideration of self-interests of one's own family. Thus, a household's decision of whether to donate for the public schools blends both altruism and self-interests. |