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題 名 | 練習外丹功的有無對於停經婦女在骨密度及肌力上之比較=Waidankung's Effect on Bone Mineral Density and Muscle Strength in Postmenopausal Women |
作 者 | 趙叔蘋; | 書刊名 | 國立臺灣體育學院學報 |
卷 期 | 4(下) 民88.01 |
頁 次 | 頁519-578 |
分類號 | 994.68 |
關鍵詞 | 骨質密度; 停經; 骨質疏鬆症; 外丹功; 股四頭肌; 後腿肌群; 股骨頸; Bone mineral density; Osteoporosis; Quadriceps femoris; Femoral neck; Menopause; Waidankung; Hamstring; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 外丹功是中國傳統的健身運動,從事外丹功的人口已近乎百萬人,而目前國內僅 有三篇研究針對不同的角度進行探討。參與此項運動的年齡多分佈於中、高年齡層,而在 這個階段的婦女其生理上大多面臨更年期所帶來的種種困擾,再者也是身體各部機能開始 走下坡的階段,本研究的目的在於探討外丹功對於停經後的婦女在骨質疏鬆症上的預防成 效及對相關肌群的影響。 本研究之調查對象為從事外丹功已有一半年以上資歷的停經後婦女(n=24)及較少從事 運動之同年齡層之停經婦女(n=32),其平均年齡為56±4歲,為避免地域上特殊環境的差異 ,外丹功運動組的受訪婦女乃是以台中縣、市內,已有的七十二個練功場地進行多步驟分 層集束抽樣法,抽出合乎本研究條件者60名,至於對照組的對象則由被選出的外丹功學員 各邀一位其親朋好友,但未曾練習外丹功且年齡相近之婦女,如此的選取對照組是為了避 開潛在的異質性。 研究方法採三步驟進行 1.問卷調查評估2.身高體重及相關肌群的肌力測定3.骨質密度的測量 有關骨質密度的測量採雙能量x射線吸收測定檢查儀器(Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry--DEXA)由醫院專業技師測量;股四頭肌及後腿肌群之肌力測量儀器是利用 Total Hip Machine(EN10015/97725, Patent #4, 621,, 507 , UniversalGym. Equipment, 1987)來加以測量。以上兩項所測量之資料以SPSS/PC+套裝軟體進行統計分析。 由於骨質密度與年齡的關連性極高,所以為了檢討骨質密度和獨立變項的關連性,故 在年齡上做一調節,以t-test來分析,結果是對照組群中股骨頸部位的骨質密度與年齡有 顯著的差異(p<0.05);而外丹功運動組群中,此部位的骨質密度卻不會因年齡的增加而比 年紀較輕者差;年齡越長者(56歲以上)有做外丹功者與未做者之間,在後腿肌群處 (hamstring)呈現顯著差異(p<.001),在股骨頸處(femoral neck)之BMD,也呈現顯著性的 差異(P<0.01),以上的分析結果肯定了外丹功對停經婦女在骨質密度上的實質影響。 |
英文摘要 | Waidankung, a traditional fitness exercise in China, has lately become popular in Taiwan. However, only three papers so far have studied its effec- tiveness in curing diseases and strengthening body from different aspects. Presently, almost one million people in Taiwan are practicing Waidankung, and most of them are middle-aged or elderly population. Females, at this stage, mostly are faced with various degrees of discomfort caused by menopause or post- menopause. In addition, their body functions are less physically fit. This paper aims to study Waidankung's effectiveness on bone mineral density (BMD) for preventing osteoporosis of postmenopausal females and its influence in muscle groups. The subjects of this paper are post-menopausal females who have been practicing Waidankung at least one and a half years (n=24) and post-meno-pausal females who seldom exercise (n=32). Their average age is 56±4. To avoid difference in locality, the interviewed females of the practicing Waidankung group are from Taichung County or Taichung City. They have met with the requirements and are selected at the way of mutiple stratified cluster sampling camong 72 Waidankung practice sites within Taichung area). Each of them is asked to invite a friend or a relative who is about the same age and has not practiced Waidankung to act as a subject of the contrast group. Its purpose is to avoid further potential heterogeneity. Three steps are adopted in this research. They are. firstly, the evaluation on health management through questionnaires, secondly, the measuremnet of height, weight, and strength of muscle groups, and thirdly, the measurement of BMD. For the last step, BMD is measured by Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry; quadriceps and hamstring by revised Total Hip Machine (EN 10015/97725, Patent #4,, 621,, 507, Universal Gym. Equipment, 1987). SPSS/PC+ has been utilzed to analyze the collected data. It is known that BMD is highly related to age. In order to examine the relationship between BMD and independent variables such as age, t-test has been utilized to analyze the relationship. The result is that in the contrast group, the BMD of femoral necks is significantly (p<0.15) related to an increase in age; however, in the waidankung's group, the BMD on the same part doesn't appear weaker with an increase in age. In addition, the strength of hamstrings and the BMD of femoral necks between senior females practicing Waidankung and females without practicing it (both groups over 56 years old) has shown to be significantly different. (p<0.001) This shows the positive influence of Waidankung on postmenopausal women. |