- 一期作稻穀貯存對食味品質影響之研究
- 二期作稻穀貯存對食味品質影響之研究
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題 名 | 一期作稻穀貯存對食味品質影響之研究=The Influence of Storage on the Eating Quality of Rice in the First Crop Season |
作 者 | 洪梅珠; | 書刊名 | 臺中區農業改良場研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 61 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁35-43 |
分類號 | 434.111 |
關鍵詞 | 水稻; 貯存; 食味品質; 一期作; Rice; Storage; Eating quality; First crop season; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本試驗主要以 1996年一期作生產的越光、高雄 142號、台. 5號、台稉 8號、台稉 9號及台中秈 10號等六個良質米推薦品種為材料,在一期作收穫後以稻穀形式貯存於準低溫 (15℃~18℃)與室溫,探討不同良質米品種間貯存性之差異,以作為國內一期作稻米產銷及貯存之參考。結果發現所有參試品種在貯存前,白米液的 pH值在品種間無顯著差異,但米飯的物理性及食味在品種間有差異。六個參試品種中,越光屬於黏度高、硬度小、均衡性大、食味較佳之品種;高雄 142號則為黏度較低、硬度較大、均衡性較小、食味較差之品種。準低溫下貯存六個月後,米飯黏度、硬度及食味的劣化度不大,品種間也無顯著差異,但在室溫下貯存六個月後,米飯黏度、硬度及食味的劣化度變大,且品種間有顯著差異,其中台稉 8號及高雄 142號之劣化度比其他品種大。比較準低溫貯存與室溫貯存間之食味差異時,發現越光、台稉 5號、台稉 9號及台中秈 10號在一期作收穫後貯存四個月,室溫貯存者之食味則明顯比準低溫貯存者差;而高雄 142號及台稉 8號在貯存三個月後,室溫貯存之食味已明顯比準低溫貯存者差。 |
英文摘要 | Six high quality rice varieties, including Koshihikali, Kaohsiung 142, Taikeng 5, Taikeng 8, Taikeng 9, and Taichung sen 10, were used to investigate the influence of storage among the varieties. In this study, the above varieties harvested in the first crop season of 1996 were stored in the room temperature and low temperature (15℃to 18℃). The results showed that there were no significant difference among varieties in pH value but there were significant difference among varieties in physical properties, and palatability before storage. Among the six high quality rice varieties, Koshihikali had higher viscousness and balance values, lower hardness, and better palatability. However, Kaohsiung 142 had higher hardness, lower viscousness and balance values, and worse palatability. There were no significant change in viscousness, hardness, and palatability after six months of low temperature storage. But all varieties deteriorated in viscousness, hardness, and palatability, in addition, there were significant difference among varieties after six months of room temperature storage. Taikeng 8 and Kaohsiung 142 showed a relatively higher deterioration than the other varieties. The palatability of Koshihikali, Taikeng 5, Taikeng 9, and Taichung sen 10 were worse when stored at room temperature than stored at lower temperature after four months of storage period. However, the palatability of room temperature storage of Taikeng 8 and Kaohsiung 142 were worse than tnat stored at lower temperature after 3 months of storage. |