題 名 | 國民黨初選制度效應的再評估=Reevaluation of the Effects of Kuomintang's Party Primary System |
作 者 | 吳重禮; | 書刊名 | 選舉研究 |
卷 期 | 5:2 1998.11[民87.11] |
頁 次 | 頁129-160 |
分類號 | 573.33 |
關鍵詞 | 國民黨; 黨員初選; 候選人選擇; 提名制度; 政黨改革; 地方派系; 黃復興黨部; 政治動員; Kuomintang; The party primary; Candidate selection; Nomination; Party reform; Local faction; The Huang Fu Hsing party headquarters; Political mobilization; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 邇來,關於初選制度的實施與否已成為國民黨內重要的爭論議題。反對採行初選者所持之理由可歸納為:一、初選引發地方派系嚴重反彈,初選落敗的派系往往在大選中抵制黨籍候選人;二、黨員結構與選民結構的差異,使得初選獲勝的候選人不盡然在大選中具備強勢的競爭能力;三、初選的競爭過程破壞黨內團結,使得候選人對立益形尖銳,加深黨內同志的齟齬;四、實施初選無異於「一隻牛剝兩層皮」,參選人須經兩次競爭、未戰先竭;五、反對繼續採行初選的另一項理由是基於國情不同的考量。經由分析檢證相關資料,本文以為,初選問題的癥結並不在於制度之缺漏,部份黨務幹部意圖延續國民黨威權時代的決策模式,壟斷黨內候選人提名之權,才是造成初選弊端的主因。瞭解提名制度的相關模型以及美國初選制度的爭議,本文以為,隨著民主化的發展,社會利益愈趨多元,任何政黨欲求長存賡續發展,必須建立公允的提名制度。 |
英文摘要 | The employment of the party primary has been controversial within the Kuomintang(KMT),critics charging it with some flaws: intra-party factions hindered the nominated candidates by support-ing opposition candidates in general elections; those who won in primary elections proved not necessarily electable in general elec-tions, since party identifiers were different from the electorate; it frequently led to sharper power struggles; it worsened the illegal practice of violence and vote-buying; aspirants underwent two cam-paigns for one election, spending energy and money twice; Taiwan's political climate seemed inapt for the practice of U.S.-style primary election system. By analyzing relevant data, I argue that the core problem of the party primary was its lack of fairness because KMT party cadres tried to monopolize the candidate selec-tion and thus failed to remain neutral. Throughout this essay and in the conclusion, I note that any political party appears likely to open its candidate selection practice in an attempt to continue its political dominance. |