題 名 | 中央政權輪替對地方派系的影響--彰化縣個案研究=The Effects of the Transfer of Central Political Power on the Local Factions: A Case Study of Chang-hua County |
作 者 | 杜慶承; | 書刊名 | 選舉研究 |
卷 期 | 12:1 2005.05[民94.05] |
頁 次 | 頁117-145 |
分類號 | 573.3 |
關鍵詞 | 政權輪替; 國民黨; 民進黨; 地方派系; 紅派; 白派; The transfer of political power; KMT; DPP; Local factions; Hong-pai; Red-faction; Bai-pai; White-faction; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 西元2000年台灣首次中央政權輪替,對傳統依侍國民黨的地方派系,產生衝擊與影響,相對的,取得執政地位的民進黨派系也產生新的變化,地方政治的變遷有了不同的觀察面向。彰化縣地方派系變遷也脫離不了政權輪替的衝擊,以往具有全縣性選舉動員力量的紅派與白派,由於長期未掌握主政權再受政權輪替影響,派系動員能量大幅縮減,朝組織零細化、動員力量個人化的模式發展。 本文發現,彰化縣目前並無具全縣性影響力的地方派系,政治人物對派系的集體認同感逐漸淡化,不過,為了在選戰中獲勝或是爭取價值性政經資源的分配權,地方政治人物的結盟運作十分頻繁,也打破派系間的藩籬,而出現跨派系、跨政黨的結盟。國民黨近年來的分裂,使得國民黨員或地方派系間的認同齊一性升高,也就是分歧度的降低;而民進黨則是呈現與國民黨相異的演變模式,黨內派系隨著公職選舉的勝選,在地方上掌握行政決策權,也就介入地方政治事務,而黨內派系的競逐程度加遽,也使黨內分歧程度升高,影響共識的凝聚,這是民進黨在勝選之後,難以迴避的現象。這些現象也發生在彰化縣。 |
英文摘要 | In the year 2000, the first transfer of central political power in Tai-wan , had a deep impact on and influenced not only the regional factions which had used to rely on the Kuo-Ming-Tang (KMT), but also had a bearing on the new government claimed by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). The point of view of on local politics has changed. Local factions in Chang-hua County cannot depart from this impact either. The Hong-pai (red-faction) and the Bai-pai (white faction) the two main faction’s influence in Chang-hua County has been reduced. These two factions used to provide strong mobilizational ability in the said county. Due to fact that the regime they once served, did not continue to exist over a long period of time. A severe shortage of mobilization forced the Hong-pai and the Bai-pai to departmentalize their organizations and to individualize the mobilization. The research for this paper discovered that Chang-hua County has no comprehensive influence over regional factions at present, because politi-cians progressively have no collective spirit to identify with a particular faction. However, in order to win a local election victory or to strive for the allotment of abundant political and financial resources, politicians fre-quently tried to forge alliances. This has been brought about to dissolve the boundaries between factions, and factions are being pushed further out. Also, disruptions in the KMT in the past years, encourage them to establish party member’s and the regional faction's identities. In other words, the disagreement among the KMT has decreased, while increasing within the DPP. As the DPP won the presidential election, cabinets not only master the authority of lower level governmental administration, but also step in on administrative matters. Competition and inconsistent policies between cabinets and regional factions gradually became more drastic. It is diffi-cult to get away from the disagreement as the DPP won the election. |