- 古典童話的閱讀策略
- The Mismatch between an American Instructor's Teaching Practice and Her Asian Students' Learning Strategies
- 提高兒童閱讀興趣的策略--美國加州聖塔芭芭拉市的經驗
- Effective English Reading Strategies--Implications from Taiwan College Students
- 重塑兒童閱讀圖像--建構新世紀閱讀策略
- 重塑兒童閱讀圖像--建構新世紀閱讀策略
- On-line Strategy Use and Goal Orientations: How Taiwanese English-Major College Freshmen with a Combined Mastery and Performance Achievement Goal Comprehend an English Expository Essay
- 英文閱讀教學評量研究--以國防大學中正理工學院九十一年班為例
- 國小學童注意力、認知風格、閱讀策略覺識與其國語文閱讀成就關係之研究
- Small-scale Survey Research on Second Language Reading Strategy Use