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- 英文閱讀教學評量研究--以國防大學中正理工學院九十一年班為例
題 名 | Effective English Reading Strategies--Implications from Taiwan College Students=有效的英文閱讀策略--以臺灣專科學生為例 |
作 者 | 顏麗珠; | 書刊名 | 聯合學報 |
卷 期 | 18 2001.05[民90.05] |
頁 次 | 頁199-214 |
分類號 | 521.12 |
關鍵詞 | 考生特性; 閱讀策略; 考試成績; Test-taker characteristics; Reading strategies; Test performance; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本文旨在探討考生特性、閱讀策略的使用、以及考試成績三者之間的關係。 本研 究以 523 位就讀於臺灣北、中、南地區共九所公、私立二專一年級的學生為研究對象, 採 用 Pritchard 與 Anderson 等人所提出的閱讀策略為研究工具, 並且以本文作者於民國八 十八年的研究為本。研究結果顯示考生特性、閱讀策略的使用、以及考試成績三者之間有顯 著的關係,研究結果似乎顯示閱讀策略在考生特性與考試成績二者之間扮演了〞中介〞的角 色,換言之,考生特性會影響閱讀策略的使用而閱讀策略的使用影響了考試成績。本研究建 議學習英文的學生,尤其是英文程度不佳的學生在學習英文的過程中應接受閱讀策略的訓練 ,以改善他們的學習成果,進而提昇他們學習英文的興趣與建立他們學習英文的信心。 |
英文摘要 | Today while there is a growing body of research on reading strategies as well as research into the relationship between test-taker characteristics and test performance, little research has attempted to examine the relationships among the all three data sources. The paper, taking 523 two-year college freshmen all around Taiwan as subjects, aims to explore the relationships among test-taker characteristics, reading strategies, and test performance. Pritchard's (1990) inventory of reading processing strategies and added strategies provided by Anderson et al. (1991) are used as an instrument. Yien's (1999) findings concerning the relationships between testees' characteristics and test performance also serve as references. The results of this study indicate that there are significant relationships among test-taker characteristics, reading strategies and test performance. We further generalize a conclusion from the results that reading strategies might play the role of a mediator between test-taker characteristics and test performance. The findings of the study suggest that EFL students, especial those of low English proficiency should be trained to apply the effective reading strategies to improve their testing scores and therefore build up their learning confidence and accelerate thier learning in English. |