題 名 | 自走式噴霧車藥液桶攪拌效果分析=Simulation and Analysis on the Mixing Effect Inside a Tank of a Self-Propelled Sprayer |
作 者 | 吳中興; 李志萍; | 書刊名 | 農業工程學報 |
卷 期 | 44:3 1998.09[民87.09] |
頁 次 | 頁77-84 |
分類號 | 434.251 |
關鍵詞 | 防除機具; 自走式噴霧車; 攪拌器; 計算流體力學; Pest control equipment; Self-propelled sprayer; Mixer; Computational fluid dynamics; CFD; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 由於臺灣的氣候高溫且多濕,農作物栽培時,易受到昆蟲及病菌的危害。因此, 噴灑農業以防治病蟲害,為不可缺少的作業程序之一。施用農藥時所使用的機具,統稱為防 除設備,動力噴霧機為常見的防除設備之一。執行噴灑農藥作業時,應準確地預估農藥的需 求量,藥劑過量及不足皆不適宜,並且在噴灑作業時,在不同時段,噴出液中之藥劑濃度, 應該趨近於恆定,使得同一園區內之病蟲害防治效果為一致,同時藥劑使用量亦可維持在最 低的水準,以避免藥劑隨空氣四處流竄,為害鄰近人畜之健康。為了有效地控制藥劑的使用 量,在動力噴霧機藥液桶內裝置有攪拌器,於施藥的過程中仍能持續地攪拌藥液,以確保施 藥的適量與均勻度。 吳[3]於83年間執行經濟部工業局「自走式高性能噴霧車之研究開發」計劃,研發高性 能之噴霧車,其使用的攪拌方式,為於藥液桶的底部預設噴射入口,藉由噴霧泵的壓力將一 部份的藥物混合液,由噴射入口送回藥液桶,而產生高流速的水柱攪拌藥液桶內的藥液,避 免因藥劑的沉澱,造成了施藥的不均。在本研究計劃執行中,採用計算流體力學分析軟體, 模擬藥液桶內攪拌情形的流場分佈,並進行分析討論其攪拌效果,結果用來輔助研究工作之 執行。 根據計算模擬的結果,時間的變化分別設定為0.01(sec)、0.1(sec)、1(sec)、 2(sec)及3(sec), 攪拌器所產生的高速水柱,在藥液桶內形成一個小渦流,且渦流的擾 動範圍逐漸地擴大,在第三秒時,渦流擾動的範圍已影響到藥液桶大部份的區域。藉著渦流 的擾動,可以達到攪拌藥液桶內藥液的效果,有效地控制施藥的均勻度,達到病蟲害防治之 目的,以利農作物的生產。 |
英文摘要 | Due to the warm and wet climate in Taiwan, plants are usually harmed by pests. Therefore, spraying is necessary for pest control. Machines which are used for pest control are called pest control equipment. During the spraying operation, the quantiry of pesticide should be used accurately since it is not proper to use less or too much. To efficiently control the quantity of the pesticide, mixer is installed inside a tank of the sprayer. The mixer will continually blend teh solution during the spraying process in order to control the quantity of the pesticide and make the concentration of the pesticide uniform. During 1997 to 1995, Wu[3] was the principal investigator of the project "The Development of a Self-Propelled Sprayer" which was funded by the Industry Bureau of Economic Department. The objective of the project was to develop a spraying car with high performance. The mixing process will be stated as following: The jet inlet is set on the bottom of the tank. Some amount of pesticide solution is sent back to the tank from the jet entrance by the pumping pressure of the sprayer. A high speed water current is charged to the tank to mix effectively the pesticide solution and avoid the sedimentation of the sloute. In this study, we simulate the distribution of flow field inside the tank of a sprayer by the software of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in order to analyze the mixing effect of a mixer. The simulation results show that the high speed water current car generate a small vortex inside the tank and the range affected by the disturbance of the vortex enlarges gradually. Because of the strong mixing effect induced by the disturbance of the vortex, the concentration of the pesticide solution inside the tank is very uniformly distributed. This mixing oporation will improve the performance of pest control, which is helpful to the plant growing. |