題 名 | 稻殼焚化爐用旋風分離機的流場模擬=Simulation of the Flow Field Inside a Cyclone Separator Used for the Incineration of Rice Hulls |
作 者 | 吳中興; 李志萍; | 書刊名 | 農業機械學刊 |
卷 期 | 8:2 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁35-45 |
分類號 | 434.251 |
關鍵詞 | 稻殼; 焚化; 旋風分離機; 集塵設備; 計算流體力學; Rice hulls; Incineration; Cyclone separator; Dust-collector; Computational fluid dynamics; CFD; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | klg稻殼焚化燃燒作業時,每公斤稻殼大約可以產生14000仟焦耳之熱能,可 做為稻穀乾燥機之替代性能源。然而在熱能回收之後的廢氣之中,含有有量的飛 灰,污染到周遭的空氣,因此,可使用一座適當設計的旋風分離機,做為收集飛 灰之集塵設備。旋風分離機內的流場是非常地複雜,氣流有旋轉、向上、向下等 各種不同方式的運動,以實驗的方法,很困難充分了解其氣流的運動情形。本文 以計算流體力學分析軟體模擬旋風分離機的內部流場,俾使我們對於氣流運動的 方式有更進一部的了解。根據模擬計算的結果,以流場切面圖及局部流場圖進行 分析比較,可以知道旋風分離機內的流場並非軸對稱流場;氣流是以旋轉的運動 方式排出旋風分離機;入口附近產生了小渦流;接近分離機內壁及分離機底部的 氣流速度都很小。 |
英文摘要 | About 14000kJ of thermal energy will be generated as one kilogram of rice hulls is incinerated. A large amount of thermal energy can be used as the substitutive energy source in the grain-drying process. A cyclone separator can be chosen as a dust-collector for the grain drying process, to remove partices from the entraining flow. The flow motions, including vortical, upward, and downward movements, inside the cyclone separator are very complicated and the behaviors of the air stream are difficult to observe by means of experimental methods. This study adopted a code of computational fluid dynamics to simulate the flow field inside a cyclone separator The results would help us understand the velocity distributions in the flow field inside the cyclone separator. The computationaal results demonstrated the following phenomena: The flow field inside a cyclone separator was not symmetrical. The air stream left the cyclone in a vortical motion. Some small eddies were generated nearby the entrance of the air stream. The velocities near the wall and near the bottom would slow down. |