題 名 | 低需冷性水蜜桃在宜蘭之適應試驗=Experiment in Adaptability of Low-chilling-requirement Sweet Peach in I-Lan Area |
作 者 | 李國明; | 書刊名 | 花蓮區農業改良場研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 16 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁73-80 |
分類號 | 435.324 |
關鍵詞 | 水蜜桃; 適應性; 低需冷性; Sweet peach; Adaptability; Low-chilling-requirement; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 低海拔桃品種具耐熱性,在平地排水良好之地區可栽培,並正常開花結果,本試驗係以不同品種在田間做多年觀察比較,以選出適合宜蘭地區栽培,質優、豐產之水蜜桃新品種,供農民栽培。供試材料有Florda belle、台農甜蜜桃、Florda red、Desert gold、Earli belle、TAI-70、六月雪、鶯歌桃等8品種(系)。順序排列、行株距6×5.5 m,分別在南澳、三星、員山等地種植,各鄉鎮試作區今年已進入第5∼6年樹齡,部分品種(系)頗適合在宜蘭地區栽培,生長勢外觀方面,經調查樹幹直徑及樹冠大小,不同地區生長情形仍以南澳試區生長最優,樹幹直徑以台農甜蜜桃14.9 cm最粗。三星試區以Earli belle品種13.6 cm最粗,員山試區則以台農甜蜜桃的13.8 cm最粗。開花習性之調查,各試區以台農甜蜜桃,Earli belle、Desert gold等開花數最多,結果率較高,開花期在元月中、下旬之間。其次,Florda red、Florda belle、TAI-70等品系亦能適合本區氣候之生長,糖度測定各試作區以員山的Earli belle達12.5°Brix最高,而三個試作區平均以台農甜蜜桃表現最佳,糖度分別在南澳為12.4° Brix,三星為12.2° Brix,員山為12° Brix,結果數亦以台農甜蜜桃最多,其次為Earli belle、Desert gold,單株平均可達200∼300粒之間,口感風味品質均佳,頗適合本區氣候栽培。 |
英文摘要 | The objective of this experiment was to select the new varieties of sweet peach (Amygdalus persica L.) which could cultivate in I-Lan area and maintain excellent quality and high productivity, Eight varieties (strains) were compared in this experiment which are Florda belle、 Tainung sweet peach、 Florda red、 Desert gold、 Earli belle、 TAI-70、 June snow and Yingko peach. Experiment was conducted in Nan-ao. Sanhsing and Yuan-Shan villages since November to December, 1990. The results showed that some varieties were adapted well in I-lan area and expressed better in Nan-ao espcially. The diameter of the trunk of Tainung sweet peach was 14.9 cm in Nan-ao, Earli belle was 13.6 cm in Sanhsing; and Tainung sweet peach was 13.8 cm in Yuan-Shan. Among the sweet peach varieties, Tainung sweet peach、 Earli belle and Desert gold had best performance in number of flowers and fruit set in each area. The anthesis stage was in January, 1996. Varieties Florda red、 Florda belle and TAI-70 were the second best and could adapt in this area also. The sugar content of Earli belle in Yuan-Shan was 12.5 ° Brix, which was the highest. Among the three experiment plot, Tainung sweet peach showed highest production with highest average suger content (12.4 ° Brix), From the results showed that Tainung sweet peach, Earli belle and Desert gold which produced 200-300 pills per tree with best teste、 elegant quality and well adaptability in I-Lan area. |