題 名 | 坐禪對於腦α波的效應=Effect of Meditation on Brain α Wave |
作 者 | 吳水丕; 何敬之; 應國卿; | 書刊名 | 華梵學報 |
卷 期 | 5 1998.08[民87.08] |
頁 次 | 頁17-29 |
分類號 | 411.15 |
關鍵詞 | 腦波; α波; 坐禪; 人類行為; Brain α wave; Meditation; Human behavior; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在研究坐禪對於腦α波的效應,一共有24位受試者參與實驗,其中包括 控制組 6 人,訓練組 10 人,以及經驗組 8 人。控制組和訓練組受試者均沒有坐禪的經驗 ,經驗組的平均坐禪經驗為 6.5 年。 訓練組於訓練前與控制組均以模擬打坐姿勢以收集腦 波資料,之後訓練組即由華梵大學釋仁華法師指導實施兩個月的禪訓後再接受腦波測試。經 統計分析後發現:(1) 控制組之腦α波尖峰功率於模擬打坐時並無顯著變化,且其變化的百 分比約在 10 %左右;(2) 訓練組於禪訓前其腦α波尖峰功率顯著比控制組為低,且其變化 ;百分比有下降的趨勢;(3) 訓練組於禪訓後其腦α波尖峰功率有下降趨勢,且證實坐禪對 於腦α波尖峰功率有顯著抑制功效;(4) 經驗組之受試者於坐禪時其腦α波尖峰功率顯著比 其他兩組為低,且隨著波的消失,α 波立即增加,之後則有腦α波震幅增多的現象,最後則 開始下降。本研究之禪訓時間雖只有兩個月,但從受試者的腦α波功率變化百分比可以證實 這些訓練者在 5 ∼ 15 分鐘的坐禪時間中, 已進入第 II 階段,如果能繼續訓練,當可以 進入更深層的境界。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of meditation on human behavior of brain α wave. Twenty-four subjects wererecruited for there conditions: a control group(6 subjects), a meditation training group (10 subjects), and an experienced meditation group(8 subjects). Treatment is conducted during an eight-week period. Pre- and posttest measures of brain α wave were recorded from four areas of the brain (01 and C3 of left brain, 02 and C4 of right brain). Data analysis showed that meditation had a significant effect in the peak power of brain α wave. The brain α waves of the experienced group was significantly lower than that of the training group, and the control group is the highest. In general, this study concludesthe meditation has positive effect on human behavior of brain α wave. |