題 名 | 學前幼兒和家長區辨打鬧遊戲和真正攻擊行為的研究=How Children and Parents Distinguish Rough-and-tumble Play and Serious Fighting |
作 者 | 邱華慧; | 書刊名 | 弘光學報 |
卷 期 | 32 1998.10[民87.10] |
頁 次 | 頁97-116 |
分類號 | 428.6 |
關鍵詞 | 幼兒; 打鬧遊戲; 真正攻擊行為; Children; Rough-and-tumble play; Serious fighting; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究的目的在了解幼兒家長和幼兒對於幼兒攻擊行為的認識情形。真正的攻擊 行為(seriorus fighting )和打鬧遊戲( rough-and -tumble play )是幼兒期常見的兩 種行為,但這兩種行為常常被混為一談,其實兩者之間是有不同的。 為了了解 0-6 歲幼兒家長和幼兒對真正攻擊行為和打鬧遊戲的認識程度, 在本研究中利用 錄影帶的方法, 請家長和 5-6 歲的幼兒觀看錄影帶中八個幼兒的活動事件,以便了解:( 1 )家長和幼兒對真正攻擊和打鬧遊戲兩種行為判斷的一致性和何? ( 2 )什麼樣的向度 最常被用來區辨真正攻擊和打鬧遊戲這兩種行為? ( 3 )比較家長、幼兒和學者專家的判 斷,彼此間的異同如何?( 4 )活動主角的性別是否會影響家長和幼兒的判斷? 本研究使用錄影帶的方法,使 33 位 5-6 歲幼兒及 35 位幼兒的家長對影片中的 8 段活動 做出打鬧遊戲或真正攻擊的判斷,並且陳述或寫下他們用以判斷的理由。 研究結果顯示: ( 1 )家長和幼兒對真正攻擊和打鬧遊戲兩種行為的判斷在其中五個事件 有顯著差異。 ( 2 )家長最常使用的判斷理由依序為「對行動和意圖的推測」、「肢體動 作」,而幼兒最常用的理由是「肢體動作」和「沒有理由」。 ( 3 )家長和專家者判斷一 致性較高,稚幼兒彼此間的判斷較為一致。 ( 4 )活動主角的性別會影響家長和幼兒的判 斷。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to investigate children's and parent's perceptions of preschool children's serious fighting and rough-and-tumble play. Some research has combined serious fighting and rough-and-tumble play under the same category, namely, aggression. However, several studies have shown these two types of behavior have different characteristics and functions. In the present study, four questions will examine: (a) Do children and parents reach a high consensus in describing videotaped episodes as either serious fighting or rough-and-tumble play? (b) What criteria will be used frequently in describing children's aggressive play? (c) Comparing children and parent, which group will have higher agreement with expert in judgment for children's serious fighting and rough-and-tumble play? (d) Does the gender of children in the videotape influence parent's and children's judgment for serious fighting and rough-and-tumble play? Thiryt-five parents and 33 young children were selected for this study. A videotape of 8 play episodes were run for all subjects. The play ground behavior of preschool children at a day care center were shown. Parents and children were asked to write down or answer whether the incident is serious fighting or rough-and-tumble play and the reason for their judgment. Results indicated: (1) There were significant difference between two groups on five episodes. (2) The most frequently used criterion was inference action or intent. It was followed by physical actions. (3) The parent group reached higher level of agreement with expert. (4) Gender (boy-boy interaction and boy-girl interaction) affected parents' and children's perception of serious fighting and tough-and-tumble play. |