題 名 | 後現代主義對組織分析的意涵=The Implication of Postmodernism for Analysis of Organization |
作 者 | 許立一; | 書刊名 | 行政學報 |
卷 期 | 29 1998.08[民87.08] |
頁 次 | 頁315-343 |
分類號 | 572.9 |
關鍵詞 | 後現代主義; 組織分析; 認識論; 喻象; 摸索前進的管理; Postmodernism; Analysis of organization; Epistemology metaphor; Management by groping along; MBGA; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 後現代主義的認識論可以為組織分析開拓更為寬廣的視野,豐富其內涵。本文簡 單說明後現代主義之風貌,從中萃取其認識論的精髓,並就其認識論的兩種不同的立場,提 出作者的見解與偏好,據以導出後現代主義對組織研究和管理思維的啟發。當代的許多管理 技術,其實已經隱含後現代主義之色彩,因此,後現代主義對於組織分析之意含,不侷限於 理論或理念的層面,在實務上亦具有一定的影響,有待進一步地開發運用。只是,在引介後 現代主義於組織分析的同時,仍然必須考慮其限制所在,作者於結語部份對此提出二點檢討 。 |
英文摘要 | Epistemology of postmodernism can more extensively extend the vision of analysis of organization. Also, postmodernism can enrich the organization theory and management technology. This article based on epistemology, which extracts from postmodernism to study organization. The author contends his position about two perspectives of the epistemology according that he clarifies its implications for organizational reearch and managerial thinking. In fact, contemporary management technologies imply postmodern soul. Postmodernism, therefore, may not only influence idea or theory of organization but also practice. The postmodernism needs to be more developed in organization theory building and managerial practice. However, we must consider about the limit when introduce postmodernism to all aspects of organization, the author notes two points about this issue in conclusion. |