題 名 | 莊子內外雜篇之形成及其先後問題=The Formation and Sequence of Inner-Outer and Miscellaneous Chapters in Chuang-Tzu |
作 者 | 劉榮賢; | 書刊名 | 中山人文學報 |
卷 期 | 6 1998.02[民87.02] |
頁 次 | 頁57-75 |
分類號 | 121.33 |
關鍵詞 | 莊子; 內篇; 外篇; 雜篇; 戰國學術; 道家思想; Chuang-tzu; Inner chapters; Outer chapters; Miscellaneous chapters; Learning of warring-state period; Thoughts of taoism; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文處理《莊子》內、外、雜篇之形成問題。在文獻不足徵,無直接材料的情況下,藉後代之間接材料反推,並參考該書當代其它外圍材料來論述此一問題。前者指的是唐代陸德明《經典釋文.莊子音義》中所提供的魏晉時代諸家莊子注的情形;後者則是指戰國中後期百家學術集團活動之狀況。此即是本文推論之兩大憑藉。 本文認為《莊子》書之形成有幾個階段:一、莊子生前與弟子講學時期,二、莊子卒後弟子引申莊子思想時期,三、莊子思想與百家混合後之「道術」時期。此三階段之材料經後人分類整理後,始形成今日《莊子》書內、外、雜篇之面貌。「大致上」而言:第一階段之材料形成內篇,第二階段形成雜篇,第三階段則形成外篇。而整理《莊子》書者則可能是西漢時代帶有濃厚子學與道家傾向之淮南王劉安之賓客集團。此一說法見於清代俞正燮之《癸已類稿》。本文採納此一觀點,並進而證成其說。 |
英文摘要 | This article deals with the formation of "Inner Chapters". "Outer Chapters" and "Miscellaneous Chapters" in works of Chuang-Tzu. Because of the lack of direct resources on this issue, the research must depend on secondhand materials of later times and the peripheral materials in Chuang-Tzu's age. The former are several annotations of Chuang-Tzu in Wei and Tsin dynasties gathered in ( Annotations of Classics • Sounds and explanations of Characters of Chuang-Tzu) (經典釋文.莊子音義) by Lu Te-Ming (陸德明) in T'ang dynasty. The latter includes the activities of learning groups in later pre-Ch'in period. This research makes a conclusion that the formation of works of chuang-Tzu consists of three stages. First, the lecture times at Chuang-Tzu's lifetime. Second, the interpretations by his disciples after his death. Third, the "Taoism times" after the mingle of Chuang-Tzu and other contamporary learnings. The documents of these three stages were arranged and classified into the works that we read today. In general, the documents of first stage is "Inner Chapters", the second is "Miscellaneous Chapters" and the third is "Outer Chapters". And the arranger and classifier of these documents was the Toaist-inclined learning group under Liu-An,Lord of Huai-Nan, in Han dynasty. The hypothesis was derived from ( "Classified Works on year of k'uei- Szu")(癸已類稿) by Yu Cheng-Hsieh (俞正燮) in Ching dynasty. And it is the important view adopted in this research. |