題 名 | 《莊子.外雜篇》中的養生思想=Life-Nurturing Thoughts in Outer-Miscellaneous Chapters of Chuang-tzu |
作 者 | 劉榮賢; | 書刊名 | 東海大學文學院學報 |
卷 期 | 41 2000.07[民89.07] |
頁 次 | 頁59-78 |
分類號 | 121.33 |
關鍵詞 | 莊子; 莊子外雜篇; 道家思想; 氣; 養生; 神; 養形; 貴身; Chuang-tzu; Outer-miscellaneous chapters; Taoism; Life-nurturing thoughts; Spirits; Body; Ch'i; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文在於探討《莊子;外雜篇》中所表出來的戰國時代的養生思想。本文由《內篇》與《外雜篇》中之養生思想一主「心」,一主「形」之不同為開端,闡發莊子以下中國養生思想逐漸走向近於陰陽家以一己生命與氣化合一的思維方向,此時之養生思想已改以「形」、「精」等觀念為主題。而此一脈絡樂是戰國思想由「心之自覺」朝向「物性開發」之發展方向之反映。最後有將養生思想歸結為戰國後期「君道」思想的一部份,認為其與黃老思想之發展有密切之關係。《外雜篇》本非出於一人一時一地之作。然今日吾人尚無法分別其中各篇之確實著作年代,以及其與當代各家思想脈絡間之關係。然而其至少是莊子之後道家思想後續發展所產生之材料,在時代上屬於莊子之後的戰後期及秦漢之間,基本上仍有代表某一學術史發階段之整體性意義,因此本文暫以《外雜篇》為一整體,以做為研究之對象。 |
英文摘要 | This article is on the research of life-nurturig thoughts (養生思想) in the Outer-Miscellaneous chapters(外雜篇) of Chuang-tzu. In book of Chuang-tzu, the key point of life-nurturing thoughts transferred from spirits(神) in Inner chapters (內篇) to body and flesh(身形) in Outer-Miscellaneous chapters. It means that the life-nurturing thoughts gradually blend with the school of Yin-Yang(陰陽家), and turned toward the outward matter thinking from the previous inward mind thinking. This research was made to explore the dimensions of this topic in Outer-Miscellaneous chapters of Chuang-tzu. This research finally makes a conclusion that the life-nurturing thoughts was a important point of King-leadership theory (君道思想) originated in Legalism(法家) and Huang-lao (黃老) in pre-Ch’in(先秦) period. |