題 名 | 全民健保對未來醫師來源在質與量上之影響=Projected Impact of the Taiwan Health Insurance System on the Future Supply of Practicing Physicians |
作 者 | 黃 濤; 張慈桂; 蕭正光; 姚霞玲; 李明亮; | 書刊名 | 醫學教育 |
卷 期 | 2:2 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁56-67 |
分類號 | 419.55 |
關鍵詞 | 全民健康保險; 醫師來源; 質量; 選擇意願; National health insurance; NHI; Future physicians; Quality and quantity; Choice of medicine as a profession; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 全民健保對台灣醫界之衝擊甚大且巨,為瞭解它對未來台灣醫師來源在質及量上之可能影響,我們設計了本研究。首先我們自大學入學考試中心的相關資料中,將健保實施前三年(1992,1993,1994)及實施後三年(1995,1996,1997)就其報考醫學系人數及其成績加以分析。其次我們對醫學系學生、高中生及其家長就全民健康保險之實施,對他們選擇醫學系意願之可能變化加以調查。研究結果顯示在實施前及實施後三年報考醫學系之人數並無顯著之增加或減少。醫學系志願排行序列在健保實施後沒有降落,而選擇醫學系最高成績也似有提高之現象。表示在短期內未來醫學生之來源,在量及質的方面並無影響。在問卷調查中,顯示無論醫學系學生、高中生或其家長,對健保制度並無清楚認識;但卻認為未來醫師自主性會減低,收入會減少,但醫師在社會上之地位不降。多數學生及家長均認為健保制度實施與否,對其未來選擇醫師專業並無影響。值得一提的是醫學系學生對全民健保實施以後醫師的前途,持較悲觀的看法,尤其年級愈高的,父母親職業與醫藥有關的為然,七年制學生比學士後醫學系(五年制)學生更為悲觀。由以上二個結果,我們初步之結論是:全民健康保險的實施,對未來醫師來源在短期內可能無顯著影響,但三、五年後或許有相當負面的影響。 |
英文摘要 | Because of the tremendous impact that the National Health Insurance has cast over the entire medical community in Taiwan, we have attempted to determine its effect on the quality and quantity of future practicing physicians. We first examined enrollment data compiled by the Joint University Entry Examination Center to analyze the number of students who wanted to major in medical studies and their examination scores over the three years before (1992, 1993 & 1994), and three years after (1995, 1996 & 1997) the implementation of the Nationwide Health Insurance program. We conducted surveys of medical students, high school students and their parents on any likely changes in their choosing the medical school in relation to the implementation of the Nationwide Health Insurance program. Results of the surveys indicate that no ominous changes took place in the three years before or after the Nationwide Health Insurance was launched. The desire for medical education has not dropped since the launch of the Nationwide Health Insurance, out the high scores for university placement have had an upward trend. This indicates no impact has occurred in the future supply of physicians in terms of their quality and quantity. According to the survey most medical students, high school students and their parent lack a full comprehension of the health insurance system. However, many think that physicians will gradually lose their independence and have a reduced income but don't feel there will be any changes in physicians' social prestige. Of note, current medical students hold a somewhat more pessimistic view of the medical profession now that the Nationwide Health Insurance is in place, and this tendency is especially prevalent in the graduating classes. This is somewhat related to students' parents who are medical professionals. Medical students in the regular 7-year program were found to be more pessimistic than B.A. students in post-medical study. Our initial conclusion leads us to believe that in the short term the implementation of the Nationwide Health Insurance system does not pose any ominous impact on the future supply of practicing physicians; however, a negative impact may emerge within 3 to 5 years. |