- 飲食蛋白質量對血漿游離胺基酸的影響
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題 名 | 飲食蛋白質量對血漿游離胺基酸的影響=Plasma Free Amino Acids in Rats Fed Different Amounts of Protein Diet |
作 者 | 江孟燦; 盧明傑; 邱思魁; | 書刊名 | 食品科學 |
卷 期 | 25:4 1998.08[民87.08] |
頁 次 | 頁464-476 |
分類號 | 346.77 |
關鍵詞 | 飲食蛋白質量; 血漿游離胺基酸; 大白鼠; Dietary protein level; Plasma free amino acids; Rats; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 為了解飲食蛋白質量對血漿游離胺基酸的影響,以SD(Sprague Dawley)系統的雄性大白鼠為實驗動物,分別餵以5%酪蛋白或15%酪蛋白,實驗期間為8週。實驗結果發現15%酪蛋白組體重明顯高於5%酪蛋白組(p<0.05),然而5%酪蛋白組卻有較高的肝體比。15%酪蛋白組除了有較高的血漿蛋白質含量外,血漿三酸甘油酯及血糖也明顯的較5%酪蛋白組高。雖然大白鼠攝食不同量的蛋白質,但是兩組間的白血球、紅血球及血紅素濃度並沒有統計上的差異。大白鼠攝食含15%酪蛋白欣食後有較高的血漿游離胺基酸濃度,如Thr, Ser, Gly, Val, Met, Leu, Tyr, Phe, Lys, His, Ile等,綜合以上結果推測飲食蛋白質的高低會反應在血漿內必需的游離胺基酸變化上。 |
英文摘要 | To investigate the effect of different protein levels on plasma free amino acids, male SD (Sprague Dawley) rats were fed a diet containing 5% casein or 15%casein for 8 weeks. Although lower body weight and plasma total protein levels were observed in rats fed 5% casein diet, no significant differences in blood WBC (white blood cell), RBC (Red blood cell) and Hgb(Hemoglobin) counts were found between the two dietary groups. Significantly increased plasma glucose and triglyceride levels were observed in rats fed the 15% casein diet. In addition, rats fed the 15% casein diet had higher amounts of plasma free amino acids, which were: threonine, serine, glycine, valine, methionine, leucine, tyrosine, pheylalainne, lysine, histidine and isoleucine. Results from this study suggest that a change of the dietary protein level may affect plasma free essential amino acids in rats. |