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題 名 | High Performance Teams in Public Organizations: A Case Study of Ohio's " Team Excellence in the Public Sector "=公共組織的高績效團隊--美國俄亥俄州「高績效團隊獎」之個案研究 |
作 者 | 李弘暉; | 書刊名 | 空大行政學報 |
卷 期 | 8 1998.05[民87.05] |
頁 次 | 頁365-399 |
分類號 | 494.2 |
關鍵詞 | 團隊績效; 全面品質管理; 團隊過程; 高績效團隊; Team performance; Total quality management; Team process; High performance teams; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 近年來科技的快速發展與全球性的高度競爭, 已使團隊的觀念愈來愈受到重視。因為組織已意識到目前組織內工作兼具複雜性與分工協調性的特色,實無法靠個人的力量獨力完成;唯有依賴員工組成團隊,集合團隊中每個人的能力與特色,發揮團隊力量協力完成。因此,如何讓組織中的員工組成團隊,在團隊中互相合作,不但發揮個人專長及工作潛能,也能與其他員工合作愉快,相互學習,充分發揮團隊的精神與力量,已成為組織成功的關鍵所在。另一方面,全面品質管理(Total Quality Management,簡稱TQM)在美國、日本先進國家的推展成功,已對企業組織的管理哲學與方式造成極大的衝擊。全面品質管理觀念的基本原則,即是透過團隊的建立及團隊的運作來協助組織解決問題,滿足顧客需求,提昇行政效率,增加組織效能,激發員工潛能,提昇工作滿足感與增加組織的認同感。綜合言之,在全面品質管理觀念的推展與全球高度競爭的趨勢下,團隊將在組織中逐漸扮演重要的角色。因此,如何才能建立高績效的團隊(high performance teams),已成為組織重要的課題。本文的目的即在透過對美國俄亥俄州在1994年和1995年得到「高績效團隊獎」(Team Excellence in the Public Sector Award)的46個團隊之實證研究和深入訪談後,探究何謂公共組織的高績效團隊,並試圖建立一個屬於公共組織高績效團隊的理論模型。 |
英文摘要 | More and more organizations have discovered that teams offer an effective way to coordinate across organizational boundaries to solve problems, to gain employee commitment, and to guidely respond to environmental changes. As a result, they are increasing the use of teams to accomplish their goals, in order to provide better services and to implement the Total Quality Management (TQM) systems. In the past few years, teams have been widely used in both public and private organizations. Research has found that teamwork does improve organizational effectiveness and employee performance. However, little attention has been given to how to plan for and manage the transition of an organization from the traditional hierarchical and functional structure to an organization built around teams. Especially, little research has been done on how teams can play positive roles in the public sector context. Thus, this study emphasizes high performance teams in the public sector, and identifies the important factors in a team process that can improve team performance. An analysis of recent literature reveals that clear goals, leadership, empowerment, facilitation, commitment, communication, shared responsibility, and implementing performance strategies are eight important factors that can affect team performance. Based on these eight variables, this study develops a systematic framework for team performance in the team process stage. On the other hand, in order to encourage teamwork in a State government, the Ohio Office of Quality has presented an event: "Team Excellence in the Public Sector" (TEPS), which is sponsored by the Ohio Manufacturers' Association and the Columbus State Community College since 1994. The purpose of this event is to let the high performance teams around Ohio receive statewide recognition for their efforts. Thus, this study uses this award as a case study to conduct survey research to test the framework developed by this study and to discover the characteristics of high performance teams in the public sector. |