題 名 | 原住民兒童族群社會化內涵分析=An Analysis of Ethnic Socialization Content for Aboriginal Children |
作 者 | 程健教; 黃森泉; | 書刊名 | 臺中師院學報 |
卷 期 | 12 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁303-331 |
分類號 | 529.9 |
關鍵詞 | 原住民; 兒童; 族群社會化; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 以往教科書中的「漢族中心主義」,及其對原住民的不公平描述都受到批評;當 前臺灣已是一個種族文化多元的社會,若欲經由教育過程來建立和諧之族群關係,培養愛鄉 土與愛國家之情操,則必須在教材中融入各族群之文化。學生經由鄉土文化與族群社會化課 程,不但能認識各族群之文化,消除不當的刻板印象,而且能認同自己的種族與鄉土,並能 以包容之態度,對其他族群之文化有所瞭解,不再以自我族群的觀點衡量其他族群之文化。 新公布的「國民小學課程標準」於八十五學年度起實施,其中增加了「鄉土教學活動」課程 ,以因應社會與文化之轉型,而與原住民族群社會化關係最為密切的,則是原住民鄉土文化 教材之編輯。本文首先說明族群社會化之基本理念,討論相關課程與教材之內容;並從多元 文化教材之編選,探討教科書與少數民族文化之關係,分析國小社會教科書原住民文化之內 涵;並分析原住民十族鄉土文化教材之內涵,且進一步對布農族鄉土文化教材及「布農日」 等相關活動中族群社會化之內涵加以分析,發現族群文化與藝術是其最主要之內涵;最後提 出結論提供鄉土教育與族群社會化之參考。 |
英文摘要 | In the past, the Han-people-centralism and improper description of aborigines in textbooks were criticized. Nowadays, Taiwan is a multiethnic and multicultural society. If we want to establish harmonious ethnic relations, and to cultivate the characters of homeland and country loving, we must merge multiethnic, homeland culture in the curriculum. Through the homeland culture and ethnic socialization curriculum, students will recognize multiculture, delete their improper prejudice, identify themselves with their own race and homeland, understand other ethnic cultures with a tolerant attitude, and never judge other culture with their own concepts. The new "Elementary School Curriculum Standard" has been executed since 1996. "Homeland Studies" was added, in order to coordinate with the transformation of society and culture. In this paper the author explains the basic concepts of Homeland Studies and ethnic socialization in the beginning sections, discusses the content of the curriculum and teaching materials relative to it, and inquires into the relations between textbooks and minority culture through the selection of multicultural teaching materials, to analyze the content of aboriginal ethnic socialization in elementary Social Studies. Then he also analyzes the content of 10 ethnic aborigines teaching materials, and finds the main content is about culture and arts. Finally, the conclusion can provided reference in the implementation of ethnic socialization. |