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題 名 | 臺中地區氣象因子對小白菜鮮重產量及相關生理性狀之影響=Effects of Climatic Factors on the Fresh Yield and Related Physiological Characteristics of Pak-Choi in Taichung Area |
作 者 | 蔡金川; 漆匡時; 姚銘輝; 蔡財旺; 翁仁憲; | 書刊名 | 中華農業氣象 |
卷 期 | 5:2 1998.04[民87.04] |
頁 次 | 頁85-92 |
分類號 | 435.232 |
關鍵詞 | 氣象因子; 收穫期; 鮮重產量; 葉面積; Climatic factor; Harvesting date; Fresh yield; Leaf area; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 為瞭解氣象因子對小白菜鮮重產量及相關生理性狀的影響,以鳳山及本地兩品種 ,於 1995 年 6 月至 1997 年 4 月在臺中縣霧峰鄉農試所農場每月進行試驗。由試驗結果 得知,秋季 (10 月、11 月 ) 生育 (播種至收穫 ) 之小白菜鮮重產量均高於別季,相關生 理性狀 (總乾物重、株高、葉數、葉面積 ) 亦有較優之表現, 這由於秋季之氣象條件 (溫 度、日射量、風速等 ) 較適於小白菜生長。 夏季的鮮重產量很低,與氣象因子過高有關。 經統計分析、小白菜生育期間之氣溫 (最高、最低、 平均 ) 及平均日射量與鮮重產量呈顯 著性之負相關。 而鳳山與本地品種生育期間之氣象因子與鮮重產量之關係, 分別為 Y �� =5792.05-283.37X �N, 及 Y �� =7790.26-253.13X �� (X �N為平均日射量, 其範圍是 8-16MJ m �� day;X �狀偃怬C氣溫,其範圍是 12-26 ℃ )。 |
英文摘要 | The Purpose of this study was to investigate the influences of climatic factors on the yield characteristics of Pak-Choi in Taichung area. Feng-Shan and local cultivars sowed monthly between June, 1995 and April, 1997 at the experimental farm of Taiwan Agricultural Research Instiute. Climatic data during this period and the physiological characters of Pak-Choi were measrued. Experimental results indicated that the fresh yield, total dry weight, plant height, leaf number per plant, and leaf area at the marketable harvest stage were superior if the crop was grown in the autumn season (October to November). It was apt to growing for Pak-Choi under climatic conditions (temperature, solar radiation and wind speed etc.) in the autumn. The fresh yield were lower in the summer season (June to Septemper). Because the climatic conditions such as air temperature and solar radiation were higher in the summer.The fresh yield showed a significantly negative correlation with air temperature (maximum, minimum and mean) and mean solar radiation. The following equation can be derived to express the fresh yield (Y1) and the mean solar radiation in the growing periods for the Fengshan cultivar: Y �� =5792.05-283.37X �N, while the frest yield (Y2)and the minimum temperature (X �� )in the growing periods for the the local cultivar can be expressed as: Y �� =7790.26-253.13 X �� |