題 名 | 颱風對臺灣東北部天然闊樹林林冠干擾之研究=A Study on Typhoon Disturbance to the Canopy of Natural Hardwood Forest in Northeastern Taiwan |
作 者 | 林登秋; 林則桐; 江智民; 夏禹九; 金恆鑣; | 書刊名 | 中華林學季刊 |
卷 期 | 32:1=124 1999.03[民88.03] |
頁 次 | 頁67-78 |
分類號 | 436.36 |
關鍵詞 | 葉面積指數; 稜線; 空間變異; 回復; LAI-2000; Leaf area index; Ridge; Spatial variability; Recovery; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 颱風是影響台灣東北部森林生態系動態變化的重要自然干擾,然台灣地區有關颱 風對森林生態系干擾的探討非常少。本試驗以LI-COR LAl-2000 Plant Canopy Analyzer研究 福山一號試驗集水區內,林冠葉面積指數(LAI)在時間及空間上變動的情形。及颱風在此變 動中所扮演的角色。1994年7-9月的五個颱風,使集水區東側稜線的LAI下降達2/3。風災 後LAI並未如許多溫帶闊葉林一般很快的回復。在此颱風干擾頻率高的地區(每年平均2 個),過於快速的回復,可能使大量的能量在同年或翌年的颱風干擾中損失,故而回復較慢。 而高頻率的颱風干擾,可能使得此森林一直處在干擾與回復的動態變化過程中。雖然此試驗 林為一無明顯休眠期的常綠闊葉林,LAI並非呈平穩上升而是有明顯的季節性,連續三年LAI 在3-5月間均0.5以上。自六月以後若無颱風則LAI的變化不大,只有在冬季時略為下降。 研究亦發現LAI有很大的空間差異,且颱風干擾的程度也有很大的空間差異。於1996到1997 年間,集水區東側稜線受颱風影響最大,兩年的颱風使得LAI分別下降16%及17%,而近 溪谷處在1997年二次颱風後LAI下降不到1%。雖然其原因尚待進一步探討,但由此可見 林冠結構在時空上均有很大的變異,因此有關生態系的描述不宜以一時一地的監測結果來代 表整個生態系長期變動的情形。 |
英文摘要 | Typhoons are important natural disturbances to forest ecosystems of northeastem Taiwan. Yet, few studies have examined the impact of typhoon events on the dynamics of those forest ecosystems. We used LI-COR LAI-2000 Plant Canopy analyzer to study temporal and spatial dynamics of leaf area index (LAI) in #1 experimental watershed of Fushan Experimental Forest. Our results indicated that typhoons had tremendous impact on forest canopy LAI. Five typhoons occurred between July and September 1994, caused a 2/3 decrease of LAI on the east ridge of the watershed. Compared to many temperate hardwood forests, the forest we studied recovered rather slowly. This possibly was an adaptation to the high frequency of typhoon disturbance of the studied forest (2 typhoons per year on average). Rapid canopy recovery was subjected to huge energy loss because the forest might encounter another typhoon attack in the same year or the coming year. The frequent typhoon disturbance made the forest continuously in a damage and recovery process. Although the forest was an evergreen hardwood forest without prominent dormant season, LAI recovery mainly occurred between March and May-From 1995 to 1997, LAI increased more than 0.5 each year between March and May. After June, LAI did not change much except for a slight decrease in the winter. Our results indicated that LAI had great spatial variability within the watershed and typhoon disturbance on canopy LAI also showed great spatial variability. The 1996 and 1997 typhoon events caused a 16% and 17% LAI decrease at the east ridge, respectively. Yet, near the valley, canopy LAI decreased les than 1% after the 2 typhoons in 1997. The high temporal and spatial variability of canopy LAI strongly indicate that it is very risky to describe ecosystems using data collected from short term single plot studies. |