- Group Work: A Key to a Communicative EFL Class
- 國內大專學生對「合作學習」英語教學活動的看法
- 運用「合作學習」落實九年一貫溝通式英語教學
- 運用「合作學習」導正英語教學
- 英語短劇演出--合作學習在國中英語教學的應用
- From Reading to Speaking: Learning English Through a Dramatic Play
- 合作學習對國小學童英語學習之影響
- Enhancing Phonemic Awareness through Team Learning among Technical College Students
- Students' Perceptions of Cooperative Learning in General English--A Case Study
- Learning EFL through Dramatic Curricula
題 名 | Group Work: A Key to a Communicative EFL Class=分組活動與英語教學 |
作 者 | 張美玉; | 書刊名 | 臺北科技大學學報 |
卷 期 | 31:1 1998.03[民87.03] |
頁 次 | 頁443-469 |
分類號 | 805.1 |
關鍵詞 | 分組活動; 英語教學; 合作學習; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 在傳統文法翻譯教學法引導下,我國學生學習英文大多侷限於閱讀能 力之訓練,大班教學更限制了學生表達能力之培養。因此,本校二年制新 生普遍感覺英文寫作能力薄弱,英語聽講練習付諸闕如,亟待於二技英文 課程中,予以加強。有鑑於此,本文探索在種種教學環境限制下,足以有 效協助學生仲儘速培養表達能力之教學法。衡諸學生之背景與需求、教學時 數、現況,似以合作學習法為最佳選擇。 經試教結果發現:(一)、合作學習法可大幅提昇學生學習英文之興趣; (二)、配對練習方式,使全體學生充分利用有限之教學時間,練習以英語 表達意見,落實每位學生每節課中,均有聽講英語的機會;(三)、四人小 組討論方式,協助學生培養良好之組織能力與英文表達能力、提供學生相 互瞭解機會,增進同學之感情,建立互助合作之習慣;(四)、合作學習法, 可培養學生良好之團隊觀念,訓練學生之領導與整合能力,科學之處事方 法,及正確之工作態度,使其成為企業界之棟樑、我國經濟建設之中堅。 |
英文摘要 | The traditional grammar-translation method has been known to focus mainly on the reading skill and marginally on the writing skill in an English class. With the large class practice, it has long been criticized of depriving the students of the opportunities of communicating in English. Therefore, the majority of the students at the 2-year programs of NTUT are eager to avail themselves of the opportunity to practice expressing themselves in English, particularly to strengthen their English speaking ability in the English class. However, with the time constraint (two hours per week) and the large class practice (at least forty students per class), the only possible way to maximize the class time for practice seems to be cooperative learning, via group work, be it pair work or small group work. With 20 to 25 pairs of students or 10 to 12 small groups of students communicating work. with each other in English at the same time, students are expected to:(1) make better use of the class time, (2) have a lot more opportunities to speak English in class, (3) to feel less intimidated to speak in public, (4) be better able to organize ideas and present them in English, (5) to feel better about themselves for being able to speak up in English, (6) have more opportunities to talk to their classmates so as to understand each other better, (7) to enhance group cohesion, (8) to help their partners or group members learn English, (9) to get into the habit of being cooperative, and (10) to acquire better skills in leadership to help them develop their future careers. Aside from gaining a better English proficiency level, we hope students will establish good work ethics so that they will be the pillars in the economic development of the R.O.C.. |