題 名 | 飼糧能量及蛋白質水平對雛土番鴨脂質代謝的影響=Effect of Dietary Energy and Protein Levels on Lipid Metabolism of Mule Ducklings |
作 者 | 林美峰; 陳威儒; | 書刊名 | 中國畜牧學會會誌 |
卷 期 | 27:1 1998.03[民87.03] |
頁 次 | 頁1-10 |
分類號 | 437.73 |
關鍵詞 | 飼糧能量; 飼糧蛋白質; 脂質代謝; 脂肪酸組成; 雛土番鴨; Dietary energy; Dietary protein; Lipid metabolism; Fatty acid composition; Mule ducklings; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究的目的,在於探討飼糧能量及蛋白質水平對雛土番鴨脂質代謝的影響。試 驗飼糧係以玉米為主要能量來源,大豆粕為主要蛋白質源,採用 2 × 2 複因子設計,調製 成含 23% 粗蛋白質、3200 kcal/kg 代謝能( HPHE )、 19% 粗蛋白質、3200 kcal/kg 代 謝能( LPHE )、及 19% 粗蛋白質、2800kcal/kg 代謝能( LPLE )等四種試驗飼糧。 用 於餵飼購自商業孵化場之一日齡雛土番鴨。試驗為期三週,試驗期間,測量動物的生長性狀 ,於實驗結束時,犧牲動物,採集血液並剖取肝臟及心臟,供化學分析之用。土番鴨的心臟 重量、心脂質含量及血漿總脂質量不受飼糧能量及蛋白質水平影響。 在試驗一中,LPLE 組 土番鴨的體增重,顯著的較 HPHE 組為佳( P<0.05 ),但在試驗二中差異不顯著。餵飼低 能量之土番鴨( LPLE 及 HPHE )組者為重( P<0.05 ),而試驗二之 LPLE 組的肝脂質量 則顯著的較餵高能量者為少(P<0.05 )。 血漿三酸甘油酯量以 LPLE 組最高, 其次為 LPHE 及 HPLE 組,HPHE 組最低。其中 LPLE 及 HPHE 兩組,則分別與其他三種飼糧處理組 間,有顯著的差異存在。雛土番鴨心及肝脂質之脂肪酸組成,受飼糧能量及蛋白質水平影響 。提高飼糧能量及蛋白質水平,均會使雛土番鴨肝脂質之 C18:2n-6 及多不飽和脂肪酸含量 顯著的較高,而 C18:1n-9 含量則顯著的較低( P<0.05 )。本研究的結果顯示,提高雛土 番鴨飼糧的能量或蛋白質水平,對雛土番鴨的生長並無進一步的助益。而雖然提高飼糧能量 及蛋白質水平, 均會影響雛土番鴨肝脂質之脂肪酸組成, 但雛土番鴨脂質之 C18:2n-6/C20:4n-6 的比值仍小於1。 |
英文摘要 | The objective of this study was to explore the effects of ditary energy and protein levels on the growth and lipid metabolism of mule ducklings from commercial hatchery were fed on four corn -soybean meal type diets formulated to contain two metabolizable energy levels (LE-2800 kcal/kg and HE-3200 kcal/kg) and two crude protein levels (LP-19% and HP23% ). Blood, liver, and heart were collected for analysis at the end of three week. The same experiment was repeated twice. Heart weight, the lipid contents of heart and plasma total lipids were not affected by dietary energy and protein levels. Body weight gains of low-protein and low-energy group (HPHE) (P<0.05) in Experiment I. However, no differences were found in Experiment II. The mule ducklings fed low energy diets (HPLE and LPLE) had significantly heavier liver while the lipid content of liver was lower (P<0.05) only in experiment II. Plasma triglycerides content of LPLE group was the highest (P<0.05) among four dietary groups while HPHE group was the lowest (P<0.05). The fatty acid cimposition of heart and hepatic lipid of duckings were afected by dietary energy and protein levels. Ducklings fed diet containing high-protein and high-energy had higher level of C18:2n-6 and polyunsaturated fatty acids of heart and hepatic lipid while the level of C18:1n-9 was lower (P<0.05). The results showed that increased dietary energy or protein level did not benefit mule duckling's growth performance. Increased dietary energy or protein level could impact liver fatty acid composition but the ratio of C18:2n-6 to C20:4n-6 remained lower than 1. |