題 名 | 飼糧脂肪來源對雛土番鴨脂質代謝的影響=Effect of Dietary Fat Sources on Lipid Metabolism of Mule Ducklings |
作 者 | 林美峰; 楊清白; | 書刊名 | 中華農學會報 |
卷 期 | 178 1997.06[民86.06] |
頁 次 | 頁42-51 |
分類號 | 437.73 |
關鍵詞 | 飼糧脂肪來源; 脂質代謝; 脂肪酸組成; 雛土番鴨; Dietary fat sources; Lipid metabolism; Fatty acid composition; Mule ducklings; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 以玉米澱粉一酪蛋白型低必需脂肪酸之半純化飼糧為基礎飼糧,添加不同脂肪 [ 氫化椰子油 (HCO)、 橄欖油 (OO) 及紅花籽油 (SO) ], 使成三種含 19.5% 粗蛋白質及 3000 kcal/kg 代謝能的供試飼糧。用於餵飼購自商業孵化場之一日齡雛土番鴨。 試驗為期 三週,試驗期間,測量動物的生長性狀,於實驗結束時,犧牲動物,採集血液並割取肝臟及 心臟,供化學分析之用。土番鴨的體增重、飼料利用效率、心及肝臟重量、心及肝臟脂質含 量、血漿總脂質、總膽固醇、LDL- 膽固醇及三酸甘油酯量不受飼糧脂肪來源影響。 橄欖油 與紅花籽油的添加 (OO 及 SO 組 ) 會提高血漿中 HDL- 膽固醇的含量, 且與氫化椰子油 (HCO) 組間,有顯著差異 (p<0.05)。 雛土番鴨心及肝脂質之脂肪酸組成,受飼糧脂肪來源 影響。紅花籽油 (SO) 組鴨隻肝脂質之 C18: 2n6 及 C20: 4n6 的含量,顯著較飼予氫化椰 子油與橄欖油者 (HCO 及 OO) 為高 (p<0.05)。 鴨肝脂質之 C18: 1n9 含量以橄欖油 (OO) 組最高,其次為氫化椰子油 (HCO) 組。 飼予橄欖油鴨隻肝脂質的 C20: 3n9 含量,與飼予 氫化椰子油鴨隻的相近, 且極顯著較飼予紅花籽油者為高 (p<0.01),而心及肝脂質的不飽 和度則顯著的高於其他兩組 (HCO 及 SO) (p(O.05)。 心脂質脂肪酸組成亦受飼糧脂肪的影 響,惟其變化較小且脂肪酸組成大致恆定。 |
英文摘要 | Day-old mule ducklings from commercial hatchery were fed on three corn starch-casein type isocalorie (3000 kcal/kg) and isoprotein (19.5%) diets. Fat sources for three diets were hydrogenated coconut oil (HCO), olive oil (OO), and safflower oil (SO), respectively. Blood, liver, and heart were collected for analysis at the end of three week experiment. Body weight gains, feed efficiency, heart and liver weight, heart and hepatic lipids content, plasma total lipids, plasma total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and plasma triglycerides were not affected by dietary fat sources. The plasma HDL-cholesterol of olive oil group (OO) and safflower oil group (SO) were higher than those of hydrogenated coconut oil group (HCO). Ducklings fed diet containing safflower oil (SO) had higher level of C18:2n6 and C20:4n6 of heart and hepatic lipid while the level of C18:1n9 and C20:3n9 was lower (p<0.05). However, olive oil (OO) and hydrogenated cocnut oil (HCO) groups showed opposite results. The leel of C18:1n9 of hepatic lipid of olive oil group (OO) was highest. The extent of unsaturation of heart and hepatic lipid of olive oil (OO) group was higher than those of hydrogenated coconut oil group (HCO) and safflower oil group (SO). The fatty acid composition of heart lipid were affected the same way by dietary fat sources as hepatic lipid. |