- 物理治療師工作相關之疼痛
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題 名 | 物理治療師工作相關之疼痛=Work-Related Pain Among Physical Therapists |
作 者 | 王瑞瑤; 葉佳文; 王素芳; 陳怡年; 朱展業; 閻永珍; 黃敬雯; 邱嘉如; 余恆君; | 書刊名 | 中華民國物理治療學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 23:1 1998.01[民87.01] |
頁 次 | 頁25-32 |
分類號 | 418.996 |
關鍵詞 | 疼痛; 物理治療師; 與工作相關; Pain; Physical therapists; Work-related; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 物理治療師在治療病人時,自身亦暴露於因工作相關的活動所造成的疼痛。本研 究主要在於調查物理治療師於近六個月內發生疼痛的情況,以及造成疼痛與工作的相關因素 。 本研究以問卷調查方式進行,共計 90 位臨床物理治療師參與本研究。 研究顯示,其中 80 位( 90% )在近六個月內有因工作而產生疼痛的情況,其資料作為本研究主要分析的根 據。常見的疼痛區域依序為肩部、下背部、手腕、頸部、及膝部。同時發現重覆同一動作為 造成疼痛的最主要原因,疼痛的部位與治療病人的種類,以及臨床工作年資有關。大多數物 理治療師選擇電療以減緩疼痛。未來應有一些方法來減少物理治療師因工作所造成的疼痛。 改善物理治療工作的環境與物理治療師自我的再教育及訓練,應視為物理治療師相關之因應 之道,以作為減少物理治療師工作相關疼痛的發生。 |
英文摘要 | Physical therapists are at risk for some common work-related pain complaints. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of work-related pain and its associated factors during a 6-month period. Questionnaries were delivered to the physical therapy clinicians (N=90). Eighty physical therapists (89%) experienced pain during the past 6 months, and their data were used for analysis. The locations of pain among physical therapists were distributed in the following areas: shoulder, low back, wrist, neck and knee. "Repeated movements" was rated by physical therapists as the most important factor contributing to pain. Other factors contributing to the work-related pain were clinical specialty and years of experience. Most physical therapists chose modalities to treat their pain. Specific strategies should be developed to reduce work-related injury/pain in the practice of physical therapy. |