- 銅污染土壤與作物生長關係之研究
- 鉛污染土壤中鉛濃度與作物生長之關係
- 臺灣各類土壤中錳對作物生長之影響
- Excess Copper Induces An Accumulation of Putrescine in Rice Leaves
- Over-expression and Characterization of Copper/Zinc-superoxide Dismutase from Rice in Escherichia Coli
- Effect of Excess Copper on Rice Leaves: Evidence for Involvement of Lipid Peroxidation
- Copper Toxicity in Rice Seedlings: Changes in Antioxidative Enzyme Activities, H[feaf]O[feaf]Level, and Cell Wall Peroxidase Activity in Roots
- 重金屬對水稻青江白菜之影響
- Effects of Excess Copper On The Photosunthetic Pigments ln Rice Plants
- 水稻穀粒比重之研究
題 名 | 銅污染土壤與作物生長關係之研究=Relationships between Copper and Crop Growth in Contaminated Soil |
作 者 | 李艷琪; 王銀波; | 書刊名 | 中華農學會報 |
卷 期 | 181 1998.03[民87.03] |
頁 次 | 頁48-59 |
分類號 | 434.22 |
關鍵詞 | 銅; 土類; 青江白菜; 水稻; 臨界濃度; 累積轉移; Copper; Soil group; Cabbage; Rice; Critical concentration; Accumulation and translocation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究之目的在探討重金屬銅污染土壤後,對作物造成的影響,選取紅壤,砂 頁岩酸性沖積土,黏板岩鹼性沖積土,砂頁岩鹼性沖積土,臺灣黏土,黏板岩酸性沖積土 及片岩沖積土等七類分佈面積較廣的農耕土壤,進行土壤中銅對蔬菜和水稻生長的研究, 探討銅在不同土壤中對作物的臨界毒害濃度及其在植體中累積轉移的情形。 七種供試土壤各添加銅20、40、80、I60和320mg/kg,並設不加銅為對照組,每種處 理重複四次,依次盆栽青江白菜和水稻。結果顯示青江白菜乾物產量隨添加銅量之增加而 遞減,以砂頁岩酸性沖積土受銅影響最大,次為枯板岩酸性沖積土。產量減少10%時,土 壤銅濃度依土類而異,自8~27 mg/kg(1M NH□OAc,pH4.5萃取量)或20~37mg/kg(O.1M HCl萃取量)。水稻稻穀產量隨添加銅量達160mg/kg以上,乾物產量明顯下降,以臺灣粘土 受銅影響最大,次為砂頁岩鹼性沖積土。當水稻稻穀減產10%時,除枯板岩酸性沖積土銅 含量(O.1MHCl萃取量)為674mg/kg外,其餘土壤自20~36m/kg。水稻植物體內各部分銅含量 之大小順序為稻根>>莖葉>稻殼>糙米>白米,銅在水稻植體內的移動很慢,大多累積 在根部,移動到莖葉的部分較少,葉片的銅含量較不受土壤性質的影響,對生物造成的毒 性較小。但銅在蔬菜類的移動較快,青江白菜葉片銅量主要受pH、EC和游離鋁氧化物影響 ,其中以pH值最重要,故若能適當的改良或控制這些因子,則蔬菜葉片中的銅量應可適當 地被控制。 |
英文摘要 | To study soil copper infulence on growth of cabbage and rice, seven wide area agricultural soil in Taiwan, i.e. latosol, acidic alluvial soils of sandstone and shale, alkaline alluvial soils of slate, alkaline alluvial soils of sandstone and shale, Taiwan clay, acidic alluvial soils of slate, and schist alluvial soils are used as materials. Thus, the critical toxic concentration of copper in various soils and its translocation within plants can be determinated. This major subject is to investigate the impacts of heavy metal (Cu) contamination on soils and crops. Seven kind soils for test were treated with 0, 20, 40, 80, 160, and320 mg/kg Cu individually. There were 4 replications. They were planted cabbage and rice on pots. The results showed that the dry weight yield of cabbage was gradually reduced with increasing added copper. The acidic alluvial soils of sandstone and shale was most obviously influenced by copper, and acidic alluvial soils of slate the next. When the yield of cabbage reduced 10%, the soil copper concentration was diverse with various soil groups from 8 to 27 mg/kg Cu (extracted with 1M NH□OAC, pH4.5) or 20 to 37 mg/kg Cu (extracted with 0.1M HCI). While copper applied overl6O mg/kg, the dry matter yield of grain reduced obviously in rice. Taiwan clay soil cultivated rice was most influenced by copper, and alkaline alluvial soils of sandstone and shale the next. When the yield of rice reduced 10%, the soil copper concentration was various with different soil group from 20 to 36 mg/kg Cu (extracted with 0.1M HCI) except acidic alluvial soils of slate to be 674 mg/kg Cu. The copper contents in several plant parts of rice were in the order as followings: root > > stem and leaf > grain. The movement of copper within rice was very slowly, most of the copper was accumulated in roots, and that in stem and leaf parts was minor. The copper content of leaf was less influenced by soil properties and had little toxicity on animals and plants. But the movement of copper in cabbage was faster than in rice. The leaf copper content of the cabbage depended on pH , EC , and free aluminum oxides, and pH was the most important factor. So the leaf copper content of cabbage could be moderately controlled as long as all the factors mentioned above be ameliorated or controlled. |