- 臺灣各類土壤中錳對作物生長之影響
- 銅污染土壤與作物生長關係之研究
- 鉛污染土壤中鉛濃度與作物生長之關係
- Expression and Characterization of Rice Manganese Superoxide Dismutase in Escherichia Coli
- Identification of Rice Manganese-dependent Protein Kinases that Phosphorylate Sucrose Synthase at Multiple Serine Residues
- 重金屬對水稻青江白菜之影響
- 水稻穀粒比重之研究
- 臺灣不同土類之放射性鍶、銫至種植蔬菜之遷移係數
- 有效熱單位對水稻葉齡表現之影響
- 秈稻新品種--臺秈2號之育成
題 名 | 臺灣各類土壤中錳對作物生長之影響 |
作 者 | 劉黔蘭; 王銀波; | 書刊名 | 農林學報 |
卷 期 | 43:4 1994.12[民83.12] |
頁 次 | 頁55-65 |
分類號 | 434.222 |
關鍵詞 | 土類; 錳; 青江白菜; 水稻; Soil group; Manganese; Pai-Tsai; Rice; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 事業與家庭廢棄物直接或間接大量進入農耕地,使農耕土壞遭受各種污 染,其中重金屬污染在性質上較為嚴重,為瞭解重金屬錳污染土壤後,對作物造 成的影響,選紅壤(桃園平鎮),砂頁岩酸性沖積土(台中北溝),砂頁岩鹼性沖積 土(台南學甲),黏板岩酸性沖積土(屏東內埔),黏板岩鹼性沖積土(彰化鹿港),臺 灣黏土(高雄吊雞林),及片岩沖積土(花蓮吉安)等七類臺灣分布面積較廣的農業 土壤,在台中中興大學以盆栽方法進行土壤中重金屬錳對旱作和水稻生長影響的 研究,以探討其在不同土壞中使作物產量減半的濃度及其在植體累積轉移的情形 七類供試土壤添加50,100,200,400mg/kg錳,設不加錳為對照,每處理五重複,盆 栽青江白菜產量隨添加濃度增加而遞減,受錳濃度影響最巨為桃園地區的紅壤, 次為台中地區的砂頁岩酸性沖積土,按產量與施錳量迴歸式求得產量減半時土壤 錳濃度因土類而異,自38至437mg╱kg。 上述土壤盆栽水稻產量隨添加濃度遞減,受錳濃度影響較巨者為台中地區的砂頁 岩酸性沖積土及紅壤,按產量與施錳量迴歸式求得水稻產量減半時土壤錳濃度因 土類而異,自194至700mg╱kg,水稻根中錳濃度遠高於莖葉,糙米之錳濃度低於 莖葉及稻殼,白米之錳濃度低於糙米。 |
英文摘要 | Disposal of domestic and industrial wastes on agriculture land directly or indirectly causesvarious contaminations in soil. Heavy metals are among the most serious contaminants. In or-der to evaluate the effect of manganese contamination in agricultural soils on crops, sevenmajor Taiwan agriculture soils: red soil (Taoyuan, Pingchen) 、 sandstone-shale acid alluvial soil(Taichung, Peikou) ' sandstone-shale alkaline alluvial soil (Tainan, Shuichia) 、 slate acid alluvial soil (Pingtung, Neipu) ' slate alkaline alluvial soil (Changhua, Lukang) 、 Taiwan clay (Kaohsiung, Tiaochilin) and schist alluvial soil (Hualian, Chian) were used. A pot experiment with five replications was conducted in a green house at NationalChung Hsing University. Five levels (0 、 50 、 100 、 200 、 400 mg Mn/kg soil) of manganese(MnCIs) were added to soils to determine the concentration of manganese causing a 50 reduction of crop yield. The distribution of manganese in different plant parts of rice (root 、stem&leaf ' hull and grain) and Pai-Tsai were also determined. The yield of potting Pai-Tsai decreased with the increase of amounts of manganese addedto the soils. The greatest affected effect of manganese additions on the yield reduction wasthat in red soil and the second was found in sandston-shale acid alluvial soil. According tothe regression equations driven by the relationships between contents of manganese in soils andyields of Pai-Tsai, the contents of manganese added to soils, for 50 yeild reduction could bein the range of 38 to 437 mg/kg depending on soils. Yields of rice grown in the selected seven soils decreased with increasing the contents ofmanganese added to soils. The response of yield reduction with the addition of manganese tosandstone-shale acid alluvial soil showed the greatest effect, and that of red soil was the second. According to the regression equations driven by the relationships between contents ofmanganese in soils and yields of rice, the contents of manganese added for 50 yield reduction would be in the range of 194 to 700 mg/kg depending on soils. The sequence for thedistribution of manganese in parts of the rice plant was root >>stem and foliage > grain.The contents of manganese in the stem and leaves of rice and Pai-Tsai which cultivated insoils with pH>7, did not response to the amount of manganese added to the soil. |