- 嘉義縣山羊關節炎病例與山羊關節腦炎(CAE)抗體之關係
- 應用酵素結合免疫吸附分析(ELISA)方法檢測牛白血病
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- 嘉義縣山羊關節炎病例與山羊關節腦炎(CAE)抗體之關係
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- 酵素結合免疫吸附法於家禽流行性感冒病毒血清學之技術應用
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- An outbreak of caprine arthritis-encephalitis in Taiwan
題 名 | 嘉義縣山羊關節炎病例與山羊關節腦炎(CAE)抗體之關係=Association between Occurrence of Clinical Arthritis in Goats in Chia-Yi, Taiwan and Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis (CAE) Infections |
作 者 | 廖永剛; 蔡向榮; 張文章; 呂榮修; 張秋燕; | 書刊名 | 中華民國獸醫學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 23:4 1997.08[民86.08] |
頁 次 | 頁379-382 |
分類號 | 437.58 |
關鍵詞 | 山羊關節腦炎; 酵素結合免疫吸附法; Caprine arthritis-encephalitis; CAE; ELISA antibody; Arthritis; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 1995年間對嘉義縣19個有關節炎發生之山羊飼養戶,採集一歲齡以上山羊血清 樣本190件,測定山羊病毒性關節腦炎(caphne arthritis-encephalitis; CAE)之酵素結 合免疫吸附法(ELISA)抗體。結果臨床上有關節炎症狀之山羊157隻中有146隻為ELISA抗體 陽性(93%),而無關節炎症狀之山羊33隻中有19隻(57.5%)為陽性。結果顯示所調查山羊關 節炎之發生與CAE病毒慈染有極顯著相關(P<0.001)。由以上結果得知嘉義縣山羊關節炎 發生場普遍有CAE病毒感染,因而推論CAE病毒的感染,是臨床上常見山羊慢性關節炎之主 要病因。 |
英文摘要 | A total of 190 scrum samples was collected from 19 goat farms suffered from clinical arthritis in Chia-Yi County in 1995. The collected sera were all from adult goat aged more than one year. Out of 157 serum samples from goats with arthritis, 146 (93% ) showed ELISA antibody against caprine atrhitis-encephalitis (CAE). Aother 33 serum samples from adult goats without arthritis, only 19 (57.5%) were CAE antibody positive. Significant association (P <0.001) between occurence of clinical arthritis and CAE infection was demonstrated by Fisher's exact test. Therefore, we beleive CAE infections are common in goats in Chia-Yi county and probably are the major cause of the arthritis seen in the fields. |