- Cognitive Factors Underlying Motivation in Second Language Learning
- A Case Study on English Teachers' Self-Introductions Upon Meeting New Classes Using a Motivating Learning Activity
- 《禮記.學記篇》之教育哲學思想
- Achievement Motivation in Learning English:Ability Groups and Normal Groups Compared at the Military Academies
- 提昇學習動機的教師行為
- 專科生的英語學習動機及其對英語課程之需求分析
- ARCS動機設計模式在教學上之應用
- Cener Stage Communication--Oral Presentations as Motivational Activities
- 兒童學習動機內化歷程中的影響因素探討
- 文化與數學學習關係初探:以蘭嶼雅美族為例