- 實習教師省思之研究--一個理想的國小教師
- 實習教師省思之研究
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- 認知教練對國民小學實習教師教學省思影響之研究
- 幼兒園實習教師、指導教師與實習機構輔導教師對集中實習課程看法之探究
題 名 | 實習教師省思之研究--一個理想的國小教師 |
作 者 | 楊基銓; | 書刊名 | International Journal of the Humanities |
卷 期 | 6 1997.06[民86.06] |
頁 次 | 頁171-191 |
分類號 | 522.68 |
關鍵詞 | 集中實習; 實習教師; 省思; 國小教師; Student teaching; Student teacher; Reflection; Elementary teacher; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究的目的是為了瞭解實習教師在集中實習之後,經由省思建構出理想的小學教師藍圖。為達本研究建構出一個理想的小學教師之目的,問卷調查和訪談是本研究蒐集資料的方法。研究對象為國立花蓮師範學院八十一、八十二、八十三、八十四學年度初教系四年級各一班的學生,人數分別為42人、45人、41人、38人。這些學生們都曾在花蓮縣一所公立的特約國民小學(不是師院實小)集中實習四週。在集中實習結束後研究者分別發下『集中實習省思總報告』給予填填寫後少回。該省思總報告是研究者參考Ellwein, Graue, & Comfort(1990)的集中實習經驗省思訪談內容而設計,屬於開放式的問題,由實習教師就自己在各個問題的省思情形作具體的描述。本研究乃針對實習教師就「建構出一個理想的小學教師」進行討論與分析。研究結果發現,實習教師在教師的專業素養、教學理念、教學技巧、班級經營、自我要求、輔導及人際關係等方面提出他們的看法。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to understand student teachers' reflection on an ideal elementary teacher. In order to fulfill the purpose stated above, questionnaire and interview were utilize to collect data. The subjects in this study were elementary education student teachers who graduated in 1993, 1994, 1995 and 1996 academic year. The number of student teachers was forty-two, forty-five, forty-one and thirty-eight, respectively. Those student teachers had student teaching experiences for four weeks in a public elementary school in Hualien. After the student teaching, the researcher handed out the questionnaire of "student teachers" reflection' to student teachers and asked them turn it back to the researcher one week later. The questionnaire was refered to Ellwein, Graue, & Comfort's (1990) research design. This study focused on 'constructing an ideal elementary teachers'. This study revealed student teachers' reflections on teachers' professionalism, instructional idea, instructional skills, classroom management, self-demanding, guidance and interpersonal communication as an ideal elementary teacher. |