題 名 | 治療肝炎中藥方劑之藥理學研究=Pharmacological Studies on the Effects of Traditional Chinese Prescriptions for Hepatitis in Rats |
作 者 | 謝明村; 劉淑鈴; 王廷輔; 哈鴻潛; 張成國; | 書刊名 | 中醫藥雜誌 |
卷 期 | 8:2 1997.06[民86.06] |
頁 次 | 頁111-126 |
分類號 | 414.5 |
關鍵詞 | 中藥方劑; 肝炎; 高血脂; 四氯化碳; Chinese prescriptions; Hepatitis; Hyperlipidemia; Carbon tetrachloride; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究係探討中國醫藥學院附設醫院肝炎特別門診用於治療肝炎之中藥方劑 : H �� (枳實梔鼓場 )、H �� (丹梔逍遙散 )、 H �� (甘露飲加味 )、H �� (蠶桑合劑 ) 及 H �� (清.葉天土方 ) 等五種方劑急灶毒性試驗。 結果小白鼠經日給予 H �� ~ H �ㄕU方 劑 10 g /kg 在一週內無死亡,顯示該等方劑口服殆無毒性。 又 H �秣s精抽取物經由腹腔 注射對於小白鼠之 LD �t為 3.85 g/kg; 其水抽取物經由腹腔注射對於小白鼠之 LD �t為 5.8O g/kg; 顯示水抽取物之毒性低於酒精抽取物。 本研究又探討 H �� ~ H �ㄤ奶首堣颲� 對於實驗性高血脂大白鼠之影響。 以血清中膽固醇、 三甘油脂、 高密度脂蛋白、SGOT 及 SGPT 等濃度之變化為作用之指標,俾進一步瞭解其對於肝功能之影響。實驗結果僅 H �骨� H �ㄞ酯飢C高血脂大白鼠血清中膽固醇,提升高密度脂蛋白及降低 SGOT 濃度。由以上結果 顯示, H �骨� H �ㄔi能阻斷膽固醇及三廿油脂帶回肝臟代謝排泄,使罹患冠狀動脈硬化之 機會減少,及使肝功能趨於正常。本研究再探討丹梔逍遙散對於實驗性肝炎大白鼠進行藥理 學實驗,獲致結果: 丹梔逍遙散酒精或水抽取物對於四氯化碳誘發大白鼠之急性肝炎所引起 血清 GOT、GPT、鹼性磷酸 --、總膽紅素等之升高現象,具有顯著降低作用。丹梔逍遙散酒 精或水抽取物對於四氯化碳誘發大白鼠之亞急性肝炎所引起血清 GOT 之升高現象, 具有降 低作用。丹梔逍遙散酒精或水抽取物對於實驗性肝炎之改善作同,以水抽取物較酒精抽取物 效果顯著。丹梔逍遙散酒精或水抽取物對於實驗性肝炎之改善作用,以誘發肝炎之前就給予 丹梔逍遙散者較誘發肝炎之後再給予丹梔逍遙散者效果顯著。 |
英文摘要 | H��(Chih-Shih-Zhi-Szu-Tang), H��(Dan-Zhi-Shiau-Yau-San), H��(Kan-Lu Yin Chia-Wei) , H �� (mixed Tsan-Sun prescription) and H �� (Yeh-Tien-Shih prescription) are five traditional Chinese prescriptions usually used to cure hepatitis patient in the China Medical College Hospital. In the present study, we investigated the acute toxicity and the effects of the five Chinese prescriptions in the hyperlipidemia and carbon tetrachloride (CCl �� )-induced acute or subacute hepatic damage in rats. Firstly, the five Chinese prescriptions orally at 10 g/kg did not induce death in mice. Secondly, only H �� and H �� among the five Chinese prescriptions decreased the plasma cholesterol and SGOT levels, and incrased the high density lipoprotein (HDL) levels in the hyperlipidemic rats. Therefore, H �� and H �� might reduced the happened frequency of atherosclerosis via the blockade of cholesterol and triglyceride absorption in the enterointestinal tract and the metabolism in liver. Finally, T.S.Alc and T.S.H �� O could decrease the plasma GOT, GPT, alkaline phosphatase and total bilirubin incrased by CCl �� in rats. Therefore, H �� improved the CCl �� -induced acute or subacute liver damage in rats, and the effects of T.S.H �� O were greater than those of T.S. Alc then, the improving effects of T.S.Alc and T.S.H �� O administered before CCl �� -induced acute or subacute liver damage on CCl �� -induced acute or subacute liver damage are greater than those of T.S.Alc and T.S.H �� O administered after CCl �� -induced acute or subacute liver damage. |