題 名 | 屏東地區原住民國小高年級學童性知識、性態度及性行為之探討=An Exploration of Sexual Knowledge, Attitudes and Behavior in Aboriginal Elementary School Students in the Ping-Tung Area |
作 者 | 許秀月; 劉長安; 林燕卿; | 書刊名 | 護理雜誌 |
卷 期 | 44:2 1997.04[民86.04] |
頁 次 | 頁38-50 |
分類號 | 523.3779 |
關鍵詞 | 原住民學童; 性知識; 性態度; 性行為; Aboriginal students; Sexual knowledge; Sex attitude; Sex behavior; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的在探討屏東地區原住民國小高年級學童性知識、性態度和性行為現況 及三者間關係。以問卷調查法針對 33 原住民國小 1250 名學童為對象,有效問卷 1091 分 。結果顯示:(1) 學童在性知識得分偏低,性態度稍偏正向。(2) 學童看過男女性生殖器官 圖片者分別為 64.7% 及 67.4%。(3) 有 61% 學童看過與性有關書藉式錄影帶;其中 55.2% 來自路邊攤及圖書、錄影帶隻出租店。 (4) 66.2% 及 88.1% 男女學童在第一次夢遺或月經 來潮前已知夢遺及月經, 55.6% 男童認知為夢遺要治療, 其資訊主要來源是電視媒體佔 52.1%。(5) 17.8% 有自慰行為,59.3 % 自慰後呈恐懼、後悔及罪惡等負面感覺。(6) 女童 在性知識及性態度平均得分皆高於男童,其他變項無顯著差異。(7) 42.4% 的學童認為最想 知道的性知識是「那些現象表示性方面已成熟」。(8) 性知識與性態度有顯著正相關。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to investigate sexual knowledge, attitud es and behavior of fifth and sixth grade students in aboriginal elementary schools in the Ping-Tung area. A Structured questionnaire was administered to 1091 students who were selected by cluster sampling. The results showed: (1) The sexual knowledge score was low but sexual attitudes showed a positive trend. (2) 64.7% and 67.4% of students had at some time seen pictures of male of female sexual organs. (3) About 61% of students had seen sexual magazines or videotapes. (4) 66.2% of male and 88.1% of female students had heard about wet dreams or menstruation before their their first experience; more than half of the students thought that wet dreams need treatment. (5) 17.8% of students had masturbation experience, and after that 59.3% of students had fear or guilt feeling. (6) Female students had significantly higher knowledge and attitude scores than male students. Demographic variables producted no significant difference in the above scores. (7) 42.4% of students most desired to know what phenomena indicate sexual maturity (8) Sex knowledge had significantly positive correlation with sex attitude. |