題 名 | 中部地區城鄉國中生性知識、態度及行為之研究=The Study of the Junior High School Students Sexual Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior between the City and Country Side of Taichung |
作 者 | 賴秋絨; 劉波兒; 郭憲文; | 書刊名 | 弘光學報 |
卷 期 | 34 1999.10[民88.10] |
頁 次 | 頁127-165 |
分類號 | 523.5779 |
關鍵詞 | 國中生; 性知識; 性態度及性行為; Junior high school student; Sexual knowledge; Sexual attitude; Sexual behavior; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的在探討城鄉國中學生性知識、態度及行為之狀況及影響因素。以中部 地區台中縣、市四所國中924人為樣本,利用結構式問卷為研究工具,經專家效度及前後測 信度測試編製,所收集的資料使用 SAS/PC 6.0 進行統計分析,包括:描述性統計,皮爾森 積差相關分析、t- 考驗及多因子變異數迴歸分析。 研究結果顯示,(一 ) 性知識方面,城 市國中生的得分高於鄉村國中生的得分,女生的得分高於男生的得分,三年級的得分最高; ( 二 ) 性態度方面,以一年級同學及女生較為保守; (三 ) 性行為方面,以三年級同學及 女生較為開放;(四 ) 父母婚姻越和諧的家庭其子女的性態度越保守,發生性行為的經驗亦 越少;(五 ) 城鄉國中生具內控傾向者性知識得分較高,但性態度與性行為方面並無顯著的 差異;(六 ) 曾接觸過色情刊物者的性態度較為開放,而性行為亦較為開放。因此建議加強 家中和樂的氣氛,與青少年增加討論「性」方面議題的機會;學校教授相關的課程時多採啟 發式, 重視解剖生理的概念; 鼓勵老師依據青少年身心發展階段,加強不同年齡的性知識; 社會徹底遏止不良性知識的渲染傳播;並多舉辦性教育與兩性關係等講座,以增加國中生對 性知識正確的認知及降低婚前性行為的發生。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to investigate students' knowledge, attitude and behavior about sexuality between the city and country side of Junior high school. Knowledge, attitude and behavior scales were used as the investigating tool. The results show as follows: There was a higher level sexual knowledge of city school students、 female students、internalcontrol of students and the students with higher level educational parents. More conservative attitude and behavior in first grade students,but the female students have conservative attitude and open mind behavior. The variables that impact on the levels of attitude and behavior were the students who have read the play boy magazines and marital states of parents. We suggest that family should have good relation ships to each other,schools develop more sex related classes,to improve students more correct sexual cognition and minimize pre-marital sexual behavior. |