題 名 | 心因型性功能障礙之性知識、態度、與經驗=The Sexual Knowledge, Sexual Attitude and Sexual Experience for Psychogenic Sexual Dysfunction Problems |
作 者 | 薛克利; 葉明莉; 文榮光; | 書刊名 | 臺灣性學學刊 |
卷 期 | 3:1 1997.03[民86.03] |
頁 次 | 頁60-69 |
分類號 | 411.99 |
關鍵詞 | 心因型性功能障礙; 性知識; 性態度; 性經驗; Psychogenic sexual dysfunction; Sexual knowledge; Sexual attitude; Sexual experience; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 高雄地區某醫學中心自民國84年元月開設「性心理衛生特別門診」,對於「心因 型性功能障礙」的診斷與評估除依循「精神疾病及診斷統計手冊」第四版 (DSM-IV) 之診斷 標準外,性治療小組另發展出一套「心性障礙診斷評估工具」 (文榮光,1995), 內容分為 兩大類別:一是半結構式會談問卷,即「性功能障礙評估問卷」;另一是「性功能障礙自填 量表」,包括「性知識」、「性態度」、「性反應」、「夫妻間一般溝通」及「夫妻間性溝 通」等量表,以利進一步分析心因型性功能障礙各項可能之致病因素,並採用以西方馬斯特 、瓊生及卡普蘭所創的配對性治療模式為主,而以適應臺灣本土社會文化環境的措施為輔的 治療方式, 經為期 1 年 4 個月的研究發現,在 128 位個案中確定是心因型性功能障礙者 有 112 位, 其中有 15 位 (13.4 % ) 治療成功、4 位失敗 (3.6 % )、75 位 (67 % ) 拒絕或中斷治療,男性之求助動機較多功能障礙、不孕等生物層面之主訴,女性則偏向婚姻 問題、神經衰弱等社會心理層面,不孕為一項有利於治療繼續進行的因素。在 63 對已婚個 案當中,合併有婚姻問題者佔 19 位 (30.2 % ), 婚姻問題的性質以溝通不佳最多,妻對 夫之抱怨多為婚姻關係不協調,夫對妻則偏向不滿意性生活之品質。 性功能障礙組 (N=44) 與對照組 (N=25) 接受〞聽能障礙自填量表〞之結果相較之下顯示,性功能障礙組之性態度 較趨於負向及保守、性反應較低下,且與性伴侶間的性溝通亦較不夠,這些都是性治療中需 特別注意與加強處理的重點。 |
英文摘要 | A special clinic for psychosexual problems was established since 1995 in Kaohsiung. The new concept of sexual dysfunction and sex therapy as defined mainly in Master and Johnson, as well as Helen Kaplan formats has been adapted and applied to patients in the clinic. Besides, one set of instruments consists of two divided parts. The first part is the semistructured "Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Psychosexual Disorders", which is administered by face to face interview. The second part is a series of self-rating scales including Questionnaire of Sexual knowledge, Sexual Attitude, Sexual Response and Dyadic Communication Questionnaire covering General and Sexual Communication. These scales were developed for the evaluation of underlying contributing factors. During the time from Jan. 1995 to Apr. 1996, there were 128 case of sexual dysfunctions including 112 psychogenic ones. Fifteen cases (13.4%) were successfully treated, 4 cases (3.6%) failed, and the rest 75 cases (67%) refused or dropped out. The motivations of help-seeking are mainly oriented toward sexual function and fertility in male and marital crisis, and eurotic disorders in females, which implied biological-oriented of the former and psychosocial concerns of the latter, respectively. In general, "Infertility" is a significantly positive factor for continuity of sex therapy. Within 63 pair of married couples, 19 couples (30.2%) have comorbid marital problems which are mainly attributed to poor communication. In addition, the self-rating scale outcome of 44 patients with sexual dysfunction is compared with a normal control group (N=25), and it revealed a low score profile on Sexual knowledge in both groups and a significant difference in Sexual Attitude, Sexual Response and Sexual communication. The overall results indicated that the patient group was more conservative and traditionally oriented in terms of sexual attitude and experience, and also had inadequate sexual communication with partners. It should be the focus of sex therapy. |