- 肴肉火腿的研製
- 串聯電極式壓電石英晶體感測器之多通道系統於大腸桿菌的總生菌數檢測
- 市售鴨□中保色劑及硼砂之調查
- Use of Hurdle Technology to Extend Shelf-life of Pressed Ham
- 乳酸菌發酵之魚肉香腸加工
- 臭氧冰塊對水產品之保鮮效果
- Photochemistry of Methylnitrite (CH[feb0]ONO) in Solid Neon
- Rapid Analysis of Nitrite and Nitrate in Meat Products Using Microwave Assisted and Solid Phase Extraction
- Investigation for Contamination of Parasite and Aerobic Bacteria in Frozen Tilapia Fillets in Taiwan
- 草蝦養殖環境中菌相分析及其與池蝦育成率相關性之研究