- 臺灣發生之三種Tenuiviruses部份性質比較
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題 名 | 臺灣發生之三種Tenuiviruses部份性質比較=Comparative Studies on the Partial Properties of Three Tenuiviruses Occurring in Taiwan |
作 者 | 陳慶忠; 趙佳鴻; 陳煜焜; 蔡希灼; | 書刊名 | 臺中區農業改良場研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 50 1996.03[民85.03] |
頁 次 | 頁29-43 |
分類號 | 434.111 |
關鍵詞 | 縞葉枯病毒群; 寄主植物; 核蛋白形態; 內含體; 血清學; Tenuivirus; Host plant; Nucleic protein morphology; Inclusion; Serology; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 試驗比較台灣已記錄由飛蝨類傳播之縞葉枯病毒群病毒或稱tenuivirus 之三種病毒即縞葉枯病毒(rice stripe virus, RSV)、玉米條紋病毒(maize stripe virus , MStV)及草狀矮化病毒(rice grassy stunt virus, RGSV)之相關病害萎凋矮化病毒 (rice wilted stunt virus, RWSV)之部份性質。三種病毒藉其個別媒介昆蟲接種水稻 、玉米、小米、小麥、大麥及燕麥等,RSV能感染全部接種植物;MStV不能感 染水稻及小米;RWSV不能感染玉米、小米及小麥。因此水稻、玉米、小米及小 麥可提供為三種病毒之鑑別植物。純化之病毒樣品以2%醋酸鈾陰染,電顯觀察 RSV及MStV之核蛋白均呈螺旋狀構造,長度不一,RWSV則呈線形構造。RSV 之核蛋白直徑約9∼11nm,外形呈環狀或彎曲線形並呈分枝,最長560nm,多數 為200∼250nm。MStV之核蛋白直徑約11∼12nm,多呈環狀,最長者705nm, 多數200∼350nm。RWSV之直徑約6∼7nm,呈環狀或線狀,長度83∼650nm, 多數為100∼250nm。電子顯微鏡觀察RSV罹病葉超薄切片,於韌皮部或葉肉細 胞均可觀察到許多大小不一之電子線呈半透明之針狀或細束狀結晶內含體。 MStV罹病玉米葉粗汁液陰染,可觀察到出現頻率極高之一種片狀結晶物質。罹 病玉米葉片超薄切片則可觀察到電子線半透明呈規則排列之絲狀結晶內含體。 RWSV則可觀察到大型之束狀內含體。利用西方墨點法及間接免疫酵素聯結抗體 法分析三種病毒之血清類緣關係顯示MStV與RSV具有部份相似之血清類緣關 係,RSV與RWSV具有微弱之血清類緣關係,而MStV與RWSV則無。 |
英文摘要 | Three planthopper transmitted tenuiviruses have been reported in Taiwan, i.e., rice stripe virus (RSV), rice wilted stunt virus (RWSV), and maize stripe virus (MStV). These three viruses were differentiated on the basis of the reaction of rice (Oryza sativa L.), maize (Zea mays L.), foxtail millet (Setaria italica L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and oat (Avena sativa L.) to vector inoculation. RSV infected all six plant species. MStV only infected maize, wheat, barley and oats, whereas RWSV only infected rice, barley and oats. Therefore, rice, maize, millet and wheat can be used as differential hosts for these viruses. The morphology of these viruses were studied by staining purified virus preparations with 2% uranyl acetate, pH4.2. The nucleic protein of RSV and MStV had a helical structure, while RWSV appeared as a thread-like structure. Most RSV particles with a helical structure measuring about 9-11nm in diameter were seen as flexible single or branched filaments and some particles were in circular form. The majority of filaments were measured at 200-250nm in length and up to 560nm long. Most MStV particles measuring about 11-12nm in diameter appeared as circular filaments. The length of the filament ranged from 200 to 350nm and up to 705nm long. Particles of RWSV were seen without helical structure measuring about 6-7 nm in diameter. The average length of circular or linear filaments were 100-250nm and up to 650nm long. All these three tenuiviruses induced inclusion bodies in the infected tissue. In thin sections, long narrow bundles or needle shaped crystals were seen in RSV infected tissue. In negative staining of crude sap from MStV infected tissue, plate like crystals were found in abundance and one type of crystal with long aggregated needles of electron opaque were found in mesophyll or phloem cells. Serological relationships among RSV, MStV and RWSV were compared by immunoblotting analysis and by indirect ELISA. It showed that MStV and RSV were serologically closely related. RSV and RWSV were distantly related, while MStV was completely unrelated to RWSV. |