- 教師專業自主權與學生受教權之關聯
- Combined Grey Relational Analysis/Differential Dynamic Programming for Short-Term Hydro Generation Scheduling
- Association between Price Limit and Stock Returns: Influences and Implication for Market-Based Research
- 韋伯「官僚化」理論之研究
- A Chinese User Interface Database Design Tool Based on the Entity-Relationship Model
- Applying Hashing Search and Fuzzy Fault-Tolerant Algorithms for the Fast Recognition of Multi-Font Printed Chinese Characters
- 德國強制罪第二項可非難性概念之研究
- Approximated Clustering via Grey Mountain Clustering Method
- Providing an Object-Relational Interface for a Relatioanl Database
- 影響原住民職業訓練意願之灰色關聯分析