- The Other Territories:On the Meaning of the Other Disourse in the Cultural Periphery
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題 名 | The Other Territories:On the Meaning of the Other Disourse in the Cultural Periphery=他者的疆界:文化邊陲的他者論述的省思 |
作 者 | 朱耀偉; | 書刊名 | 中山人文學報 |
卷 期 | 4 1996.01[民85.01] |
頁 次 | 頁127-148 |
分類號 | 541.2 |
關鍵詞 | 商品化; 文化地理; 文化邊陲; 論述生產; 堂皇敘事/大話; 東方主義; 職業化; 他者論述; Commodification; Cultural geography; Cultural periphert; Discursive production; Grand narrative; Orintalism; Professionalization; The Other discourse; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 「他者」的課題在晚近的文化批評論述中廣受重視,而有關他者的論述 往往被認定可以為弱勢族群提供發聲的空間。在非西方的「文化邊陲」,對主導 論述的抗拒他因為他者論述的這種特性而消解了,源自西方的他者論述在文化邊 陲的播散亦因而變得前所未有的廣而深。然而,在這篇論文中,他者論述被視作 另一種主導論述,暗地裡隱含主導論述的殖民化趨勢。殖民支配已經從疆土的入 侵變成文化及論述空間的支配。假如我們不謹慎處理他者論述所可能隱含的殖民 性,它將變成主導論述延展其文化疆界的工具。他者論述既為弱勢族群提供了論 述空間,但它也同時是作為論述中心的西方的產物。這篇論文將他者所面對的困 局置於學院的職業化及論述的商品化的脈絡中考慮。文化邊陲的論述生產的職業 化趨勢會使愈來愈多的「他性機器」出現,文化邊陲的他者論述會變成以制造邊 緣/另類的論述商品為己任,嚴重限制了他者的論述空間。本文嘗試審視他者的 職業化與商品化的共謀,希望藉此對他者論述在文化邊陲的合法化政治作出省 思。 |
英文摘要 | In the last two decades or BO, the issue of the "Other" has permeated the turbulent field of Western cultural and literary theories. It seems that the Other discourse can provide discursive space for the articulation of the colonized/marginalized. The underlying hostilities toward foreign/master discourse have thus been erased, and the adaptation of the Other discourse in the culturalperiphery turns out to be unprecedentedly widespread and penetrating.However, in this paper, the discourse of the Other is conceived as asimilar, if different, kind of master discourse that may disguise thecolonizing grand narrative. The colonizer's invasion of territorieshas transformed into an invasion of cultural and discursive space.The discourse of the Other, if unexamined, will merely, in this lineof thought, extend the cultural and discursive border of the grandnarrative. While the discursive contest secured by the Otherdiscourse is an opportunity for the Other to speak and write back, wecannot afford to forget that the Other discourse is a product of thediecursive center in the West. This is exactly the predicament,albeit also the condition, of all practice of the critical Other. Inthis paper, the predicament of the Other is seen as a problem that hasto be examined in the light of professionalization and commodification.The professionalization in the cultural periphery may make room formore and more "otherness machines" that manufacture marginalcultural commodities for customers in the discursive center. Thispaper tries to examine the complicity between this professionalizationand commodification of the "Other" in the cultural periphery. Throughsuch 'an examination, new discursive space may be established toquestion the politics of .the legitimation of the "Other" discourse inthe cultural periphery. |