題 名 | The Crossing of Racial Boundary in the Picture of Dorian Gray=<格雷的畫像>:跨越種族的藩籬 |
作 者 | 許惠芬; | 書刊名 | 臺中商專學報 |
卷 期 | 31 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁445-458 |
分類號 | 874.57 |
關鍵詞 | 後結構主義; 頹廢派; 東方主義; 諧擬; 二元論; Poststructuralism; Decadence; Orientalism; Mimicry; Binarism; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在以後結構主義的觀點,來探討「格雷的畫像」中的多重種族身份。 這本小說完成於1890年代,展現當時世紀末的頹廢思潮。後結構主義所標榜的多重 主體,正是這種思潮的延伸。小說中所呈現的搖擺不定的種族身份,顛覆了傳統東/ 西二元對立的論點。頹廢公子忽東忽西的身份,暗示著多重種族身份的可能性。東 方、西方再也不是固定不變的實體,而是隨時可變動的位置。本文闡釋這種搖擉主 體的意義,同時點出它正是社會弱勢團體藉以挑戰當權勢方的反諷手法。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this paper is to explore the dangling racial identity in The Picture of Dorian Gray with a poststructuralist approach. produced in the 1890s, this text displays the Decadent sensibility, which initiates the ideal of a multiplied subjectivity in the poststructuralist discourses. By presenting the dangling identity in race, this text subvers the traditional binarism of East/West. The switch between the Oriental and Occidental identity indicates the possibility of a multiple racial subjectivity. The East and West are not fixed entities but the variable positions ready to be assumed and dropped by the Decadent dandies. This paper illustrates the significance of such a dangling identity, which embodies the strategy of inversion employed by the social minority to challenge the legitimacy of the dominant power. |