題 名 | An Interview Study of Perspectives of Learners of English as a Foreign Language in Taiwan=臺灣英語學習者對英語文教育之觀點研究 |
作 者 | 洪銓修; | 書刊名 | 國立雲林技術學院學報 |
卷 期 | 4 1995.06[民84.06] |
頁 次 | 頁173-182 |
分類號 | 805.1 |
關鍵詞 | 觀點; 英語文教育; 象徵性交互論; Perspective; English education; Symbolic interactionism; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 語言學習者在完成了他們在學校的外國語文教育之後,當他們真正的在使用所學 的外國語文的時候,他們對個人在日常生活方面、社會經濟方面、以及學術經驗方面所形成 對臺灣的英語文教育的觀點,往往反映了臺灣英語文教育的成效及其得失。本研究主要在探 討並詮釋臺灣的外國語文學習者對英語文教育之觀點與看法。研究者以下列三個研究問題為 本研究之導向: 1. 構成臺灣的語言學習者對英語文教育之觀點之要素為何﹖ 2. 影響臺灣的語言學習者對英語文教育之觀點之範疇因素為何﹖ 3. 臺灣的語言學習者對英語文教育之觀點之正面或反面信念為何﹖ 研究者採 " 民族誌學訪問研究法 " ( Ethnographic Interview )來從事本項研究。本研 究同時採用了社會學上的 " 象徵性交互論 " ( Symbolic Interactionism )為本研究之 理論依據。 研究者依據本研究之首要發現研擬了一套理論模式( model )。此理論模式研 究者稱之為 " 臺灣英語學習者之實用性觀點 "。本研究之主要發現條述如下: 1. 從參與本研究之受訪者的談話中顯現出對於英語文教育的一種 " 實用性 " 的觀點。 這 種觀點涵蓋了二個主要議題:語言學習者能夠用英語文來溝通、以及改進臺灣英語文教育必 要性。 2. 二項主要影響臺灣英語學習者之觀點之因素包括了: 語言學習者過去的英語文學習經驗 、以及語言學習者在美國的求學生涯經驗。 3. 參與本研究的受訪者均提出了他們以前在英語文課堂所學, 當應用在美國的生活經驗時 ,所產生的一種負面的差異性。參與本研究的受訪者一再的表示他們以前在學校學英文大多 只是為了考試。本研究資料也顯示了臺灣的英語文教育,在培養語言學習者的閱讀能力頗有 成效;然而,在教學上,語文的四種能力:聽、說、讀、寫未能並重,並且造成日後語言學 習者用英語文溝通有力不從心之感。 |
英文摘要 | Central to the issue of foreign language education is what influence, if any, this education has had on the perspectives of the language learners relative to their personal, social, academic, and many other encounters in using the target language after their graduation from a school setting. The purpose of this study was to describe and explain the perspectives of learners of English as a foreign language in Taiwan. The method of inquiry utilized in this study is ethnographic interviewing. The theoretical framework that guided this study is symbolic interactionism. The major findings were the basis of the construction of a model, which was entitled by the researcher "A Utilitarian Perspectives of Learners of English as a Foreign Language in Taiwan." The major findings include: (1) A utilitarian perspective evolved from statements provided by the participants regarding two issues: the need to be able to communicate in English, and the need to make changes of EFL education in Taiwan; (2) Two primary variables influenced participants' perspective on their English learning experiences: participants' previous EFL education experiences, and the target language country experiences; (3) A majority of participants drew a distinction between what they learned in the EFL classroom and what could actually be put to use when living in the target language country. The data indicated that the achievement in fostering language learners' English reading ability is the strength of EFL education in Taiwan; However, the four language skills--listening, speaking, reading, and writing have not been equally emphasized, and seemed the most problematic in EFL education in Taiwan. |