題 名 | 高職英文教師對英語文教育之觀點研究 |
作 者 | 羅寶珠; | 書刊名 | 嘉義農專學報 |
卷 期 | 42 1995.08[民84.08] |
頁 次 | 頁155-175 |
分類號 | 805.1 |
關鍵詞 | 高職; 英語文教育; 教學觀點; 象徵性互動論; Perspectives; Vocational high school; Symbolic interactionism; TEFL; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究主在探討並詮釋高職英文教師對英語文教育的觀點。本研究以下 列四個研究問題為研究之導向: 1. 構成高職英文教師對英語文教育觀點之要素為何? 2. 影響高職英文教師對英語文教育觀點之範疇因素為何? 3. 高職英文教師對英語文教育觀點之正面及反面信念為何? 4. 高職英文教師如何綜合各種不同有關技職英語文教育發展之資訊以成為 他們的觀點?研究者根據資料分析結果研擬了一套理論模式,並稱之為 " 高職英文教師對英語文教育殷切期許的觀點"。 本研究的主要發現: 一、 從參與研究之高職英文教師的談話中顯示出他們對高職英語文教育抱持 一種 "殷切期許"的觀點。此觀點涵蓋兩個主要層面:學生對英語文精通熟 練的能力需求,以及改進高職英語文教育的迫切性。 二、 有六項因素影響高職英文教師對英語文教育之觀點: 1. 教育理念與教師使命感所形成的驅策作用; 2. 師生互動; 3. 矛盾與衝突; 4. 無力感; 5. 因材施教,有教無類; 6. 社會認同。 三、 受訪教師發現在高職的英語文教學目標理想與實際兩者之間有矛盾存在; 他們對於教育主管當局及一般社會大眾忽略高職英語文教育顯出不滿之 意。受訪教師不但期望能提昇本身的教學能力,也期望不久將來有一個創 新的學術改革風氣。受訪教師建議:為了高職學生的就業或升學,我們必需 儘速改進目前高職英語文教育,以提供高職學生一個合適而理想的英語學 習環境。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study is to describe and explain vocational highschool English teachers' perspectives of English education. A perspective is acombination of beliefs and behaviors, which consists of (a) definitions of various situations, (b) actions, and (c) criteria of judgment. To achieve thisobjective, a qualitative research has been conducted, and an interview instrument is developed with four research questions to guide the study:1.What elements constitute vocational high school English teachers' perspectives of English education?2.What contextual variables influence vocational high school English teachers' perspectives of English education?3.What assumptions do vocational high school English teachers have about English education which back up or go against their perspectives of English education?4.How do vocational high school English teachers synthesize various types of information about the development of English education in Taiwan into their perspectives? The theoretical framework guiding this study is symbolic interactionism.Sixteen English teachers from eight senior vocational high schoolsparticipated in this study. Participants' responses were tape-recorded andthen transcribed and analyzed, using the constant comparative method as described by Glaser and Strauss (1967) in their development of the GroundedTheory. The major findings of this study include the basis of the construction of amodel, a model that serves to describe and explain vocational high schoolEnglish teachers' perspectives of English education. |