題 名 | 家庭中的循環性衝突=Recurring Conflicts in Family |
作 者 | 葉光輝; | 書刊名 | 應用心理研究 |
卷 期 | 2 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁41-82 |
專 輯 | 家庭心理學:系統思維觀點的探討與應用 |
分類號 | 544.18 |
關鍵詞 | 系統思維觀點; 循環性衝突; 優勢支配力量; 共構結構; Systems perspective; Recurring conflict; Dominating power; Collusive structure; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文從家庭心理強調「系統思維觀點」的取向下,討論家庭中「循環性衝突」現象 ,並針對家庭中此一衝突現象的成因與運作歷程提出討論。作者認為每個家庭慣用的運作法 則是受到該家庭一些有形及無形的特別力量所控制,這些力量是支配該家庭系統運作的優勢 深層力量。在此優勢支配力量的主導下,它會對家庭及成員塑造出彼此共同接受的價值信念 、互動模式、情緒氣氛及權力與情感關係結構,以作為家庭如何面對與處理衝突的基礎。作 者所討論的「循環性衝突」現象,正是在家庭不當的優勢支配力量主導下,型塑出環環相扣 的價值信念、互動模式、情緒氣氛及權力與情感關係結構此共構結構下的產物。本文最後以 兩個家庭的衝突實例來闡明上述的觀點。 |
英文摘要 | The phenomena of “recurring conflict”in family are discussed from systems perspective, a new scientific paradigm in family psychology. Each family has some overt or covert rules and ideologies that dominate the family on how to think, interact, and resolve problems. These rules and ideologies also form a dominating power that may regulate the family's thinking and how to resolve family conflicts. If these rules and ideologies are rigid or inappropriate, then the conflicts may be terminated temporarily, but in the long run, these same conflicting events or conflict patterns will happen again and again. This phenomenon of repeated happening of same conflicting event or conflict pattern is called “recurring conflict”. The present research suggests that the systems perspective approach is the best way to detect the recurring conflicts in family . Finally, two family case studies are also predented to justify the argumentation. |