- The Phenotype and Functional Activities of Sheep Monocyte-Derived-Macrophages
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題 名 | The Phenotype and Functional Activities of Sheep Monocyte-Derived-Macrophages=綿羊血液單核細胞衍生之巨噬細胞之表現型及功能分析 |
作 者 | 李維誠; | 書刊名 | 臺灣畜牧獸醫學會會報 |
卷 期 | 65:3 1995.09[民84.09] |
頁 次 | 頁225-238 |
分類號 | 437.24 |
關鍵詞 | 單核細胞衍生之巨噬細胞; 表現型; 吞噬作用; 抗原呈現作用; 紅血球玫瑰圍繞現象; 綿羊; Phenotype; Phagocytosis; Antigen presentation; Macrophages; Ovine; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 為瞭解由血液中單核細胞所衍生之巨噬細胞之基本特性和功能,將綿羊血液中之單核細胞培養於明膠覆蓋之培養皿上,並在細胞不同分化的及成熟期時,分析巨噬細胞之表現型,白噬作用及抗原呈現能力。新鮮血液單核細胞並不表現CD4,CD8及VPM32抗原,但這些表面抗原隨單核細胞之分化成熟而漸漸被表現出來。相對的,新鮮血液單核細胞表面之MHC class Ⅱ分子在培養3至5天後而呈明顯地減少。但是,成熟分化之巨噬細胞表面之MHC class Ⅱ分子在經concanavalin A活化淋巴細胞之上清液(50% v/v)處理後可再度表現出來。單核細胞衍生之巨噬細胞之白噬作用及紅血球玻瑰圍繞現象隨細胞之成熟而增加,此能力比新鮮血液中之單核細胞及肺巨噬細胞強。在抗原呈現能力分析方面,分化成熟之巨噬細胞雖祇具低濃度之MHC class Ⅱ分子,但在OVA存在之情況下均能刺激對OVA特異之淋巴細胞活化增殖。 |
英文摘要 | To investigate the basic characteristics of cultured monocyte-derived macrophages, sheep monocytes isolated from blood were cultured on gelatin coated plates and their phenotype, phagocytic and antigen presenting functions assayed. Culture of sheep monocytes induced the expression of some cell markers, xuch ad CD4, CD8 and VPM32 antigen which were not expressed on fresh monocytes. In contrast, the differentiated monocyte deived macrophages (MDM) showed a loss of MHC class Ⅱ (DR and DQ) expression after 3-5 days in culture. However, MHC class Ⅱ was re-expressed on the cell surface after stimulation with supernatant from Con A activated T lymphocytes. The phagocytic and erythrocyte. Resetting activities of monocytes increased with cell differentiation and maturation in culture. Both activities were also stronger in MDM than alveolar macrophages. Cultured MDM were capable of stimulating an ovalbumin-specific T cell line to proliferate in the presence of antigen although the MDM did not appear to be MHC class Ⅱ positive at the start of the assay. |