題 名 | 日糧中添加香料精對黑肚綿羊及努比亞雜交山羊生長性狀之影響=Effects of Spice in Ration on the Growth Performance of Black Belly Sheep and Nubian Crossbred Native Black Goat |
作 者 | 楊深玄; 蘇安國; | 書刊名 | 畜產研究 |
卷 期 | 31:4 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁355-360 |
分類號 | 437.5 |
關鍵詞 | 黑肚綿羊; 努比亞雜交一代山羊; 生長性狀; Black belly sheep; Nubian crossbred native black goat(F1); Growth performance; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 15頭黑肚綿羊及18頭努比亞雜交一代山羊逢機分為3組,置於個別飼養欄中,分別 餵飼112天及56天,以探討日糧中添加香料精對綿羊及山羊生長性狀之影響。日糧依添加香 料精之百分比不同而分為(A)對照組,(B)添加0.05%香料精組及(C)添加0.1%香料精組等三 組。試驗顯示在綿羊方面,三組之平均每日採食量依次為1.06公斤、1.14公斤、1.04公斤, 其中B組對A、C兩組在統計上有差異(P<0.05)。而三組在平均每日增重及飼料換肉率,依次 為0.20公斤、0.20公斤、0.17公斤;5.3、5.7、6.1,其中並無組間差異存在(P>0.05)。顯示 日糧添加0.05%之香料精確實可增進黑肚綿羊之採食量,然對黑肚綿羊之每日增重及飼料換 肉率則沒有顯著影響。在增重每公斤飼料成本方面,三組分別為26.0元、28.5元及31.1元, 三組間有統計上差異(P<0.05)。成本並隨香精料添加而有上升趨勢,故香精料的添加並無法改 善黑肚綿羊增重,且造成飼料成本浪費。在努比亞雜交一代山羊方面,三組之平均每日採食量 依次為0.62公斤、0.75公斤、0.67公斤,平均每日增重及飼料換肉率依次為0.072公斤、0.093 公斤、0.080公斤;8.6、8,1、8.4,三組數據雖在統計上並無差異(P>0.05),然而努比亞雜交 一代山羊採食添加0.05%香料精之日糧(B組)其每日採食量較其他兩組為佳,因此B組之雜交 山羊每日增重及飼料換肉率也較其他兩組為佳。在增重每公斤飼料成本方面,三組別為42.1 元、40.5元及42.8元,其中B組對A、C兩組在統計上有差異(P<0.05)。資料顯示,飼料中添 加0.05%的香料精確實對雜交山羊有改善其增重及降低飼養成本的效果。 |
英文摘要 | Fifteen black belly sheep and eighteen Nubian crossbred native black goats (F1) were randomly allotted into three groups by breed and individually fed 112 days and 86 days respectively with three rations containing 0%, 0.05% and 0.1% spice, which were represented by ration A, ration B and ration C. Results showed that the average daily intake of black belly sheep were 1.06 kg, 1.14 kg and 1.04 kg, respectively. There were significant difference among treatments. Nevertheless there were no significant difference on the average daily gain weight and feed efficiency among treatments. But the cost of gain weight of sheep were increased by adding spice (P<0.05). Meanwhile, the average daily intake of Nubian crossbred native black goats (F1) were 0.62 kg, 0.75 kg and 0.67 kg, respectively. There were no significant difference on the average daily intake, the average daily gain weight or feed efficiency among treatments. But the cost of gain weight of goat was lowest, when goats were fed 0.05% spice ration (P<0.05). |