題 名 | 玉米、啤酒粕、蔗渣青貯料餵飼乳公牛對其生長性狀及經濟效益之分析=Effect of Corn-Brewer's Grain-Bagasses Silage on the Growth Performance of Holstein Bulls |
作 者 | 蘇安國; 楊深玄; | 書刊名 | 畜產研究 |
卷 期 | 31:4 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁337-344 |
分類號 | 437.3 |
關鍵詞 | 玉米; 啤酒粕; 蔗渣; 青貯料; 乳公牛; 生長性狀; 經濟效益; Corn; Brewer's grain; Bagasses; Silage; Holstein bulls; Growth performance; In vivo digestibility; Carcass evaluation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 8頭250kg的乳公牛逢機分為兩組,置於群飼欄飼養。A組餵以玉米啤酒粕及蔗渣之 青貯料與苜蓿粒,而B組則餵以玉米及大豆粕為主之精料與苜蓿粒。以評估利用啤酒粕及蔗渣 飼養乳公牛降低飼料成本之可行性。試驗資料顯示,兩組乳公牛平均每日增重,乾物質飼料採 食量及飼料換肉率均無顯著差異。唯在每公斤增重之飼養成本方面,A組為42.2元,而B組為 58.8元。 在活體消化試驗及乳公牛瘤胃揮發性短鍵脂肪酸產量與分佈方面,兩組乳公牛間無組間差異 存在。在分析血液生化值方面,試驗組的天門冬胺酸轉胺□(AST),血液中尿素氮的含量(BUN) 均比對照組高,且有統計差異(p<0.05),而其中試驗組的天門冬胺酸轉胺□值超過了標準值, 對照組血液中尿素氮量低於標準值以下,其他還在容許範圍之內。在血液含蛋白及鈣量方面兩 組之值相近,而且介於標準值之內,並且無組間差異存在。在血液含磷量方面,試驗組比對照組 低,兩組之值均超過標準值之外,唯同樣並無組間差異存在。 |
英文摘要 | A total of eight Holstein bulls were randomly divided into two groups fed either with corn-brewer's grain-bagasses silage and alfalfa pellet as ration A, or with concentrate and alfalfa pellet as ration B. Results showed that there was no significant difference in daily dry matter intake, daily weight gain or feed efficiency between the two treatments. Nevertheless, the cost of live weight gain per kg of bull in ration A was significantly lower than that in ration B (42.2 vs 58.8 N.T. dollars) (P<0.05). The in-vivo and in-vitro experiment results thowed no difference in dry matter, nitrogen, NDF or ADF digestibility between two rations. There were significant difference in the value of AST, BUN, protein, calcium and phosphorus between the groups (P<0.05). |