題 名 | 臺灣中部地區天然闊葉林降雨截留量之探討 |
作 者 | 陸象豫; 唐凱軍; | 書刊名 | 林業試驗所研究報告季刊 |
卷 期 | 10:4 1995.12[民84.12] |
頁 次 | 頁447-457 |
分類號 | 436.19 |
關鍵詞 | 截留; 穿落雨; 幹流量; 樹冠截留容量; Interception; Throughfall; Stemflow; Canopy storage capacity; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本試驗藉量測林外降雨量、穿落雨量及幹流量以推估蓮華池地區天然闊葉林之降雨截留量與若干截留有關之參數。由1990年6月至1991年6月試驗期間內,總降雨量計2707.70 mm,穿落雨量、幹流量及樹冠截留量分別為2287.31、113.74及306.65 mm。截留損失量雖僅佔全期降雨量之11.3 %,然而各月份間之變異卻甚大。截留量佔降雨量之比率以冬季乾旱期為最高,1990年12月達100%;而夏季颱風期間為最低,1991年8月僅佔3.9% 。 穿落降雨、幹流量及截留量與林外降雨之線性回歸關係式由64場降雨資料求得。但其中僅穿落雨量(Pt)與林外降雨量(Pg)間之相關係數較高,其關係式為:Pt=-4.146+0.936*Pg。本試驗並以Leyton法求得該林分之樹冠截留容量為1.879 mm,穿落係數為0.712。所估測之最大截留損失量及起始截留損失量分別為5.47±0.72 mm與2.27±0.87 mm。此外,穿落雨之降雨中心較林外降雨之雨量中心約晚29.3±38.5min發生 |
英文摘要 | Interception loss from a natural hardwood forest in the central part of Taiwan has been determined by measuring gross rainfall, throughfall and stemflow. During the study period from June 1990 to June 1991 (records of May 1991 were lost), the total gross rainfall was 2707.70 mm and the total interception loss was 306.65 mm (11.3%) with throughfall and stemflow comprising 2287.31 mm (84.47%) and 113.74 mm (4.20%), respectively. However, great variations were found among the monthly percentages of interception of gross rainfall: interception was largest in the winter months, reaching 100% in November 1990, and least in the summer months especially during typhoon season, at only 3.9% in August 1990. Linear relationships for throughfall, interception and stemflow to gross rainfall were fitted using measured records from 64 rainfall events. However, only throughfall (Pt) and gross rainfall (Pg) were closely related as Pt=-4.416+0.936*Pg. In addition, the canopy storage capacity, throughfall coefficient, canopy maximum interception capacity and rain necessary to saturate canopy were also estimated. The canopy storage capacity and the throughfall coefficient were estimated by the Leyton method as having values of 1.879 mm and 0.712, respectively. The amount of rain necessary to satruate the canopy was estimated to be 2.27±0.87 mm. The canopy maximum interception capacity was 5.47±0.72 mm. The time lag between throughfall center and gross rainfall center for these 64 rainfall events was 29.3±38.5 minutes. |